
Why is it that when a woman defends herself from specifically male chauvinism she is often called a "feminist"

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A femnazi is a person who fights aggressively for women's rights in a male-bashing way. That is light years away from defending yourself against men and women who are sexist and oppressive toward women. Why do some people jump to the conclusion that if you are defending yourself against a real violation of your rights as a person then you are a feminist, instead of just a person defending yourself? What is the male equivalent of a feminist, anyway?




  1. There is a big gray area in what is considered "oppressive" treatment.

    Everyone has their own opinion on that. Some women are overly sensitive and take EVERY slightly sexist remark seriously. Other women are more fun and relaxed. Those women do better in life and avoid living with 36 cats in old age.  

  2. They probably think that non-feminists are beyond caring about their rights. This is an attitude common of the post-feminist era. But as we have seen, it's not always true. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was only rarely true.

  3. "Feminist" is not a dirty word..

    I am a feminist as I believe in social, economic, and political equal opportunity.

    I live in Texas, and I go to THE most conservative university in the country

    It'd be a lot easier to be the "I'm not a feminist, but......." type

    But I kind of like the raised eyebrows :)

    Anyway, it is your business and you can identify or not identify with the movements that suit your liking

    Oh, and the male equivelent is masculinist or men's rights activist (mra)

  4. I am convinced that many times people react without really reflecting on the circumstances, and have trouble distinguishing someone who is simply defending herself from someone who is bashing others.

  5. Most men regard normal women who defend themselves from chauvinistic behaviour as engaging in normative behaviour.  A modern Feminist, is, indeed, a misanthrope (despite any rhetoric to the contrary).

    Defending oneself from untoward behaviour is normative.  Espousing a hateful philosophy is pathologic.

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