
Why is it that when diplomacy is mentioned re: Russia, people equate that with "bowing down" to them?

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Since when did it become weak to try to remain diplomatic with other countries? As of yet I don't see anything specifically "wrong" that Russia has done except respond defensively to their critics....and of course the US was the first to lead the bashing. I'm not saying that Russia doesn't have a history of manipulation, but the US certainly isn't guilt free of that either. We could sit here and point fingers all day long - but in the end, what's best for the people is to avoid war as much as possible. So when I hear people criticize Obama for lacking the "balls" to "deal with Russia" makes me wonder why do we need to "deal" with them any way?




  1. Personally I think it is due to the hatred that the Bush administration has brought upon the U.S.. People feel that their backs are to the wall and that through show of force they can gain respect.

    I don't think that there is anything wrong with trying to deescalate the situation through diplomatic channels. After all haven't we all been taught that violence is not the answer to problems.

  2. i agree with you. Georgia was manipulated to attack , U s a was there preparing the army with Israel ... They would t imagine a reaction as Russia did . So now they have a big problem , as they didnt reach what they would and they have a Russia motivated to do doesn t matter what . U sa is a country made by the  ill u minati to do what you said , unfortunately that can cost the us existence

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