
Why is it that when it comes to insects, the female is more dominant??

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like with spiders, the male is like 300 times smaller than the female and is killed after s*x by the female

same for preying mantace

and there r like these african ants who are all females and like a male comes along whos like 100 times bigger and with wings and all the females swarm onto it and cut off its wings and take it into its nest and use it for sperm wen the queen is ready to mate then they eat him

why does this happen only in insects???




  1. Honey, it's like that for humans too.

    The female is more dominant.

  2. Females are dominant in insects maybe because they are ones who reproduce their species. Especially among ants and bee colonies where they have a queen.

    I think some fishes too have dominant females like some cichlid species

  3. the same applies for humans too

    well, females ahve to give birth, maintain generations and many other roles, which r not done any males

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