
Why is it that when it comes to philosophical and political thought women are obsessed with...?

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(and rarely go beyond) gender?




  1. My guess would be that it's because gender issues are highly subjective and unprovable  and so require minimal logic or reason.

  2. Have you been over to the philosophy section lately? There's plenty of girls there who would love to talk to you.

  3. To be perfectly honest, it has been my experience that unless a woman is a feminist, this does not occur.

    (Or, unless you're browsing the Gender and Women's Studies category.)

  4. They do?  I had no idea.

    I base my philosophical and politics thoughts as to who's the bigger butt hole.  Gender has nothing to do with who has whose head stuck up their butt.  

    Poor Hillary had Bill's head stuck up her butt and it ruined her whole campaign.  Obama is a r****d.  McCain is extremely old, but he's funny.  Doesn't change the fact that he's very wiffle waffley.

  5. Speak for yourself - I am certainly NOT!

    If I have anything remotely resembling a politico/philosophical obssession, it would be with how easily politics manages to pull the wool over people's eyes! (And I am talking about people of BOTH genders, here!)

    Every day, on the news, I see politicians figuratively getting away with murder and people supporting them in it all the way.

    They are masters of deception and their audience applauds them even as they (the politicians) are totally fleecing them (the public).

    In the midst of all that, "gender" seems pretty insignificant to me.

  6. Many become obsessed with what they think is the most important thing to them that they feel they are being judged by.  It is not just some woman that do this but race, age, religious views etc all come into philosophical and political discussions on a very regular basis.   I think it is that many women feel they are judge negatively by being a woman and want to change this.

  7. Can't say I really agree with you, and I am certainly not a feminist.  There is a tendency for the university campus feminist to do this, but that is a small proportion of women involved in public discourse and affairs.

    There is a tendency for some to bring up female specific issues, and you will rarely see a man in a similar position discussing male specific issues, but so what?

  8. Bull. The politically-minded women I know are into all sorts of issues. One of my girlfriends focuses on environmentalism and AIDS in Africa, and another one focuses on the war in Iraq. I don't know if gender has ever been uppermost in their minds.

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