
Why is it that when it is 90 degrees outside, people think it is hot, even though our bodies are normally 98.6

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Why is it that when it is 90 degrees outside, people think it is hot, even though our bodies are normally 98.6




  1. ya its nice 90 and right now in austin its 100 every day even higher some days last tuesday it was 103 or 104 its crazy hot

  2. because the inside of your body is 98.6 degrees. your skin however is not.

  3. its just the inside of your body thats 98, your skin isnt that temputaure

  4. 90 degrees isn't hot, it's nice....when you've reached your 100th day in temperatures over 110, then come talk to me about hot.

  5. Hmmm i've never thought about that one before

  6. Hey Jen-Jen: 90 degrees may be cold in Arizona, but it's sweltering on the east coast where the humidity is 10x that at your place.  It also makes a big difference if you're in the sun or not.

    Our body is always creating extrea heat to keep all the life support functions going.  When it's cold out, this heat is used to keep us warmer than the outside temperature.  But when it's hot out, we need to get rid of that waste heat and we feel hot.  We get rid of heat through evaporation (sweat), convection, conduction, and radiation.  Except for sweat, the last three mechanisms require that the outside temperature be lower than the body temperature to eliminate waste heat.  The smaller the temperature difference, the less effective.  so if there were no evaporation (let's say it's 100% humidity out), you would not be able to cool off at all in 98 degree heat.  You would start to overheat and probably die eventually.  In 90 degree heat, you would be very uncomfortably warm because an 8 degree difference is not very much to radiate and convect off all that internal wattage.  Add evaporation into the factor and then the external humidity makes a big difference.  90 degrees and dry can be comfortable in the shade, but sweltering in high humidity.  Also, if you add sun into the factor, you change the radiation equation.  In 90 degrees in the sun you are now absorbing radiant heat rather than emitting it like you would in the shade.  If the humidity is too hight that your sweat can't cool you off, you will start to overheat.

    It's all about how efficiently we can get rid of our excess heat.

  7. WOW that's interesting!

    when your body can't keep its core temperature close to 98.6 degrees. In general, your nervous system starts working to cool you down every time your central temperature rises a couple of degrees above normal. To do that, it tries to divert blood away from your internal organs and toward your skin. Since blood carries a lot of heat, your best chance of cooling off is to get that hot stuff pumping to the surface. Meanwhile, your sweat glands start to release water, which has a cooling effect as it evaporates from the surface of the skin.

    Its the core of your body that need to remain at that temperature. But when its hot out and your not hyderated for instance, this will make your body temerature rise. The heat in combination with water hydration effects our internal body temperatures to rise.

  8. did u ever hear about Fahrenheit and centigrade scale...........if not go do some research maybe u will get the answer

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