
Why is it that when libs "protest" everyone else recognizes it as rioting?

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Protest at RNC turns violent

AMY FORLITI, The Associated Press

Article Launched: 09/02/2008 03:03:39 AM EDT

Tuesday, September 2

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Protesters attacked members of the Connecticut delegation near the site of the Republican National Convention Monday in a demonstration where more than a dozen people were arrested by police using pepper spray amid window-smashing, bottle-throwing and tire-slashing.




  1. Left wing passion often gives rise to heated confrontation and thus is sometimes the precursor to rioting. It has been this way since the origin of the party and was elevated during the anti war protests of the 60's.

  2. There were 8-10,000 people protesting peacefully there and 300 anarchists vanadlizing and breaking glass. People should put things in perspective.

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