
Why is it that when one is feeling blue?

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one feels so much better when pulling a blanket up over them?

Seriously, what is it about that simple act, or is it the blanket itself, that lends comfort? Or is it just a way to disappear?




  1. It harks me back to the day when I used to get tucked into bed at night and my Mom would make sure the covers were just right and fit tight around my body. The feeling of the blanket lightly touching my body and the instant feeling of warmth showered me. Then the dog or cat would jump up on my bed and I was not alone, with my teddy bear in hand and the live fur coats and was one with the sandman.

  2. It is a comfort and a way to disappear

  3. It's similar to regressing to the womb, calming.

  4. I ditto what Dondi said. Except,My dog, Taz is under there with me.

    That always makes me feel good. Only thing is, she`s 128 lbs and she takes up a lot of room. She`s my comfort.

  5. When you pull the blanket over yourself, you are putting yourself back into the warmth and comfort of the womb, with no worries or cares.

    At least that's what a shrink told me during my depression years.

  6. In our subconscious, we are feeling safe, like when our parents tucked us in at bed time

  7. The words Security Blanket automatically spring to mind. I think Blue is a cold "place" to be (anger is hot) so warmth is a natural need. it represents safety and hope and security.

    Hot chocolate has the same affect but it doesn't cover your knees!

  8. Probably .. it gives comfort and security to have something near and held close to themselves .. plus- it's a simple means of kinda disappearing from the bad stuff ... like when a blanket is pulled over the head - it seems to make the whole word go away - and that makes it all feel lots better.

  9. I Dont pull the blankets over me when im feeling blue..i do it when im cold  brrr.. but i did growing up .i was afraid  of things i didnt see .monsters.. etc!!!

  10. I think much of this is a replica of when we were babies, being held in the comforts of our mothers arms wrapped in a blanket....Security is felt.

  11. I only feel better pulling a blanket over my head if there is a beautiful woman in my bed

  12. Depressive thoughts lead to immobility, which then leads to the blanket as being used as a sort of shield.  Also, feeling blue is chilly.  It's colder inside than it is in the snow.

  13. A comforter.

  14. ~~sniff,sniff~~

    my blankie smells like dirt and decomposing leaves .... maybe that's because of sleeping in the woods with my camouflage leaf blanket.

    .... I have to keep a low profile The PAEAT* want to throw me into jail

  15. Linus is onto something carrying his 'Security Blanket' every where he goes.

  16. When I am feeling down, which has been more frequently as of late, there is nothing like crawling into my bed or snuggling up on the couch with my big white down comforter. I guess it is like a shield, as if saying this is my way of protecting myself, even if only for a few minutes, from that oftentimes cruel world out there.  

  17. Because it is your space, you own it. You don't have to share it, and it's been that way since you were a child. It's the only way of running away without having to leave.

    Might I give you a long distance hug? I have a hold me, hug me desire when I enter that space.

  18. The blankets heat is like the arms of the fabric that enfold us & when hidden,we hope that if we can't see anyone,then they can't see us.

  19. Maybe it is symbolic of climbing back into the safety of the womb. =)

  20. I get that same feeling on a cold, snowy winter night when I snuggle up on the couch with a warm blanket all around me. It makes me feel cozy and safe with no place  to rush to, just to sit and have something warm to drink and something for" me."  It feels nurturing and that can be nice because usually I'm the one nurturing others. .

  21. its all of the just feel tha you're away from everything and everybody for a sec there...yep who know a blaket can comfort you so much...

  22. it is a sort of way to disappear, blocking yourself from all the outside stuff  

  23. I think it's comforting because it's like you're in your own world under the blanket. Away from everything because the blanket hides you!

  24.    represents mothers womb...

  25. You are creating, symbolically, a safe haven, a retreat from the cares of the world, literally blocking them out.  

  26. Its called Comfort

  27. It is like a mommy's loving hug.

    Very Freudian.

    I wish you peace and happiness.


  28. It is a way of comforting yourself. The same could be said about how people who are feeling blue, like to listen to sad music, it is re assurance

  29. It all goes back to Linus and his blanky...

    A nice soft blanket is a comfort tool....

    When we had co workers diagnosed with cancer etc that were off work a friend and I put together comfort baskets instead of flowers

    A soft blanket, a soft pillow,some bubble bath, healthy juice mix and teas, candles all the things to make them feel better, decorated it with silk flowers and a home made card.

    Comfort in a time of sickness or sadness is Very important!

    It is only a way to disappear when we are seriously depressed and then it is a heavy comforter instead of a soft blanky..

  30. I have to agree with Dondi...the only time I use a blanket is when I'm depressed or it's below 50 degrees either outside or in my soul.

  31. I think, for me, it gives me comfort. As in im being hugged by someone. :]

    Also, when i feel blue.. dissapearing brings comfort, too.. so maybe its a little bit of both.


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