
Why is it that when visitors from other countries we Americans try to make meals that are from their country?

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A Russian shows up and we make Borsched, Italians come visit and we make them lasagna etc.

When I travel I want to eat the foods of their country and not that of my own.




  1. to be accomodating.

  2. I don't know, but I'm somewhat guilty. I host a Brazilian exchange student and my husband was laughing at me when a giant Brazilian cookbook that I ordered showed up!

    In the end, we mix it up. Mostly American food, but she says that Brazilian foods make her feel better when she is having a "homesick day".

    I also try to throw in things like Thai and Indian a lot, too.

  3. Maybe its because cooking them their own ethinic food would allow them to feel more at home, more relaxed around the people that are feeding them. I think its more of a  psychological thing. Because people aren't really sure what they would like, its almost a safe bet that if you make something from their home land, they'll eat it rather then that tuna and cheese cobbler that you usually make.

  4. In all honesty, if you stop to think about it what food is really truly American????  Hamburgers, hotdogs, apple pie...most of the food we eat has been adopted from other countries and it almost seems natural for us to want to impress people from those countries by re-creating food that they love.

  5. you know what?  that's actually a very complicated question!

    on the one hand, some ppl will do it to show off.  there's this attitude that americans can do anything and everything better than anybody else - here, eat this, you'll never taste better in your life.  if you tell them it wasn't made right, they brush it off in a way that implies (or even says!) you don't know what you're talking about ("well, that's exactly how it tasted in [some swanky hotel in some major metropolitan area in the country]").

    on the other hand, some ppl do it because they want to show willing.  "hi, we're not snobs and we respect your culture - see?  some of our favourite foods are ethnic!"  sometimes it's genuine, sometimes it's patronizing.

    but i think most ppl are a mix of the two - they want the visitor to feel welcome but at the same time, they want to show that they're just as liberal and open-minded as anybody else.

  6. probably think it would make them feel at home...or show them u showed an interest in researching  their traditional foods

  7. Perhaps to make them feel at home.  When I went to France I found a McDonald's because I just missed American food.


  8. It seems more like some Americans are just trying to impress them with their culinary knowledge. :-)  It could also be that they want to please them.

  9. Probably for the same reason that when Americans go to another country the people there try to steer them toward foods that are more American.  If I had a nickel for every time someone in a country I was visiting said "most Americans like this"  I would be a wealthy woman!  I think it probably has to do with making the person feel more comfortable.  Just a guess though.

  10. I try and cook different things all the time, If I had someone from another country visit I would cook them up the best of British. You cant beat local produce.  (which isnt fish and chips funnily enough)

  11. Just to be polite and to make them feel at home.

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