
Why is it that when we yawn...?

by  |  earlier

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why is it that when we yawn, tears come to our eyes?

- ive always wondered this.




  1. thats a good question. I really dunno. Srry i couldnt help

  2. Its because the lacrimal (tear) glands above your eyes are squeezed by facial muscle contractions as you yawn ejecting tears into your eyes.

  3. some things u r just never meant to know

    it is too dangerous to be meddling into these sort of things

  4. Tears don't always come to my eyes when I yawn. That only happens when I'm extermely tired and my eyes are strained (because they want to close and go to sleep but I'm forcing them to stay open... which I'm guessing causes them to water).

  5. lack of oxgen to the brian

  6. thats odd ive never had that happen

  7. When you yawn you essentially contract a lot of facial muscles. These contracting facial muscles squeeze your tear glands and your nasolacrimal duct forcing tears out into your eye. And that is why you "cry" when you yawn. Another said that it was just a coincidence of where are glands and muscles are. There is more involved than only the muscles and the lachrymal or (tear) gland.The more successful the yawn the more the eyes water.

  8. Why when I read this I started yawning? Weired huh....And when we see other folks yawn you yawn?

  9. Your question made me yawn lol contagious :(

    Um... I have no clue... good question.

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