
Why is it that when you get served your dinner and you find it's dried up why is it still served?

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Why is it that when you get served your dinner and you find it's dried up why is it still served?




  1. i wonder that too

  2. If the quality of the food is not up to par, It is the cooks fault not the waiters so don't take out subpar food rage on him/her. Be polite and ask for a new serving.

  3. I take it your missus cant cook !!!

  4. Send it back! Its the only way something might be done about low standards, as it will affect them financially.

  5. Get back from the boozer a bit sooner then sonny boy.

  6. So don't come round here, then.

  7. If you receive food that is dried up, then your plate may have sat under a heat lamp or in a warming box too long. Most likely there is nothing wrong with the food other than it looks like c**p and tastes worse. Ask to speak to the manager and have him/her send it back to the kitchen!

    If they refuse to re-do the order, then pay for what you've eaten and leave.

  8. they are looking down on you , Dont eat there again.

  9. WHO came back from the pub late then?

  10. This is the dining out section.  If I am served poor food in a restaurant, I send it back.  If I am served bad food in a restaurant, I take it back and tell the chef what to do with it.  If I was served food like that in a restaurant, I'd take it back and do it for him - plate and all.

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