
Why is it that when you go to a clinic for cutters, they treat them like they are worthless trash...?

by  |  earlier

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instead of helping them get better with love and making them feel like they have self worth and deserve to be alive? A lot of the nurses there are very mean and act as if they could care less about people who want to die for one reason or another. You would think they would try to be kind and help them not make them feel worse..




  1. Are you talking about behavioral health? I had a counselor last year and she was very nice. She didn't voice her opinions that much. This year she set up her office up somewhere else. Next time I went I had a different counselor. She was rude and had a big mouth. I quit going. Some of these counselors are not worth going to.

  2. Sounds like you should try another clinic. They shouldn't treat anyone like that.

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