
Why is it that whenever I dream about dogs, they're trying to hurt me? (in real like I love dogs & have one)?

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With the exception of extremely large, aggressive dogs (ie: the types of dogs that guard junk yards), I am not afraid of canines. When dogs are friendly, I enjoy petting and playing with them.

I had a dog growing up and recently adopted a Golden Retriever for the kids that I absolutely love.

So what baffles me is why whenever I dream about dogs, it's always something scary or perverted. For instance, last night I dreamed there was this adorable poodle with really sharp teeth that kept biting and scratching me. It really hurt. At first I tried to be nice to the dog, but it kept doing it, so I pushed it away with my foot. It ran back at me and started gnawing my ankle.

I also have had really f**ed up dreams in which a dog tried to rape me.

What the h*ll is wrong with me?




  1. Your love of dogs and appreciation or perception of them in real life has nothing to do with the appearance nor the perception of dogs as man's best friend, loyal companion in your dream.  These dogs in your dream are "friends" who have a hidden hostility toward you.  They are people of weak constitution, lacking strength and bravery.  These "friends" are near you, They have ill intent toward you and they have, are or will harm you.  Beware.  This is an omen of you being harmed by enemies disguised as friends.  Do Beware.  Your love of dogs in real life and how you perceive them while awake has no relation whatsoever with what occurs in your dream.  The above interpretation holds true.  Beware. I can further assure you of the veracity of my interpretation by the fact that one of these "friends" has persecuted you some way, has really got on your case about something.  The rape business means just that.  You have been put in a position which you are displeased with by a "friend" and were helpless to do anything about it or did not express your dislike of your position.  I write using the past, however, it may occur presently or in the near future.  You know best.

    Beware of your enemy once, and beware of your friend a thousand times


  2. dogs represent strife, contention, or an unclean spirit.  If the first two are not present in your life, then I would suggest the possibility of you being harassed by an unclean spirit.  It's possible to pray and command it to leave.  Then ask God's protection over your home- I

    myself pray these sort of thing in the name of Jesus.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.

  3. Your dream indicates that you have a deeply buried concern of someone or something near and dear to you that is going awry and that they may hurt you in some way.

    This may be based on doubt about a situation where you do not know for certain that something is going wrong, but that you are getting vibes of that.

    Rape is a violent crime - it is not just a forced sexual act, but an act of extreme aggression.  It is does not the necessarily stem from a sexual connotation, but an extreme form of hurt directed at you.  That may be your mind's way of getting your attention by exaggerating the imagery.

    Take a good look around in your life.  Are there any worries or concerns that you need to discuss with anyone to clear the air?  Approach it carefully - if it is simply doubt do not be accusing.  If the evidence is stronger that hurt is coming, confront it boldly enough to force the issue into the open.  Letting it simmer unattended will only allow these dreams to continue and lead to a worse problem later.

    All the best to you.

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