
Why is it that whites are charged with hate crimes???

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why is it that if a group of whites beat a black its a hate crime but if a bunch of blacks beat a white it is not a hate crime????




  1. i dont know... but get this....

    the town where i live is very SMALL. and my fiance is one of three cops here.... ok so there is this crazy old man taht has a vendeta for the cops... well long story short he got hit with a shoe by an old lady. and the whole town found out about it and someone put something about it in the papper.  well the next day, said crazy man, went to the police station to file a hate crime against they lady that runs the paper!! isnt that crazy!

  2. Depends on where you go a couple of weeks ago in new jersey two black kids beat up a white guy and later on that night they beat up a mexican and they both have hate crime charges stemming from both beatings.....although I'm not sure if they were racially motivated they did it for money

    earlier that day they jumped a black boy but it was not called a hate crime....all of the crimes were the same  

  3. It can be. I've seen such actions charged as hate crimes. If the motivation behind the attack was racial, then it becomes a hate crime. Where did you hear that it isn't?

  4. because

  5. not that its right, but u know how politics go.... anyhow its due to the disturbing history of our country (which actually has not gone all the way away)  

  6. your gov has deemed blacks an oppressed class so the ppl who oppressed them can't then go around beating on them; flip side; blacks beating their oppressors seems to have a ring to it as anyone being in a downed position would strike back. i say anyone because any group oppressed by another would feel a certain way about the other group just so happens in this case there was wide spread rape, murder, mutilations, land theft and a overall system devised to never prosecute those for the crimes listed, 100's of cases of whites doing these things and never fear 1 iota about going to jail just the opposite is true 4 the oppressed they fear jail immensely  as the system of seperation from woman and child was instituted to keep the male apart from woman and child; it's still occurring today August 12, 2008 @1:05pm. whites populate most of the area but blacks out number them in jail 5 to 1. logically no other country has disparities between blacks and the rest of the population like the USA does, maybe Britain but i don't know the numbers

  7. Actually Mexicans and Blacks get charged with hate crimes against each other all the time.

    But Whites don't often commit hate crimes against anyone at all.  When they do it makes the frakking international news.  Not Local news, it gets reported in Europe too.

  8. You don't know what you are talking about. A racially motivated attack by anybody is considered a hate crime.

    I don't believe in hate crime laws. An assault is an assault. A murder is a murder. The details of the motive and the punishment are for the court to decide. If somebody is beaten to a bloody pulp because they are a Dallas Cowboys fan by rabid Eagles fans, how is that different than somebody getting beaten to a bloody pulp by rabid homophobes because they are g*y, or by racists because they are black? All these crimes are equally stupid.

  9. Because our great great great great great ancestors enslaved their great great great great great ancestors once and we are responsible for that.  

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