
Why is it that women feel that they are degraded by men when...

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Its not my "groin" that I'm addressing.




  1. This is just another example of the victim mentality that many of these women exhibit.  If its not their fault, then they will never have to acknowledge their shortcomings and try to improve themselves. If they think that they have done nothing wrong then they can continue on their merry way casting disparaging insults at men when they are confronted with their own stupidity.  Its total arrogance.

  2. There is a time and place for clothing like that!  

    i would say if your at a nice dinner party and some chick in barely there clothing would be stared at!

    however if your in a bar and having a good time some people need to dress S****y to feel good about them selfs.. and if you want to get to the bottom of it that's because of how some men treat some women! so it's a catch 22

    Best of luck

  3. "Women are the one who dance topless in clubs, are actresses in pornographic films, are model in pornographic magazines, wear tight and/or low cut tops."

    Yeah, you should see my grandmother dancing topless suggestively in clubs. It ain't pretty. I heard yours was there last weekend, too.

    Why do so many clueless young men assume that "women" equals "the young women I saw recently who I want to have s*x with"?

    The world does not revolve around your groin.

  4. First of all I would be okay with it if those were the only women you looked at sexually but that is not so.  Yes some women dance topless, are in p**n, wear tight/low cut tops, but not all.  So the women who don't dance topless, do p**n or wear revealing clothes should be able to walk around just fine; right?

  5. Well... men also dance topless, are porno stars, and so on. But the problem is when girls are encouraged to use their bodies as the only asset they have.

  6. *claps* Well said ! And i totally agree.

    I think the way a women dresses and acts is the cause of the men's response. Women club with random guys and with tops revealing everything they've got going for them, what kind of response do you expect from guys?!

    This is the exact reason why i don't wear revealing clothes and don't club like that. I'd rather not be raped thank you.

    And, this is why i'm a muslim too, because Islam teaches that women should cover themselves up to show that they are respectable women.

    It annoys me as a woman when women blame men for looking at their chest...when you can't miss it with the clothing they have on. I feel sorry for you guys who have to put up with it.

    You're so right and until women respect themselves, they will never be respected by others.

  7. For every degradation you list - men finance that degradation.  The producer is responsible for the product.

  8. Let's see. You're a woman. You're paid less than a man for the same job, but are solely responsible for raising the children he helped you create because he left you without paying child support and the courts don't force him to pay child support. Your kids need food, clothing, shelter, medicine. Thus, your dollar goes a tiny fraction as far as the single white male next to you with the same job. What would you do to survive? If the system rewarded you for having an attractive body, and that was the one thing you could do to make things work financiall, wouldn't you? By the same token, if you had any other alternative, wouldn't you take it?

  9. Wow.  I guess you and I can consider ourselves fortunate that no one judges our entire gender solely by the actions and choices of a few of our young, sexually focused adolescent representatives.

    There are male strip clubs, too, but I've never heard of a man not being taken seriously professionally because "men are always degrading themselves at Chippendale's."

    As one comedian pointed out, women who carefully apply makeup, don a bikini-like outfit with the word 'juicy' printed on the butt, and then complain about male attention are certainly being hypocrites and damaging the women's movement by effectively mocking it.  But the actions of a few stupid young women (or women who simply disagree with the objectives of the women's movement) shouldn't impact our impression of women as a whole.

  10. I agree

  11. I will agree with you that there are some women that dress to attract attention. There are men in this world who can't be tactful. On the other hand, women shouldn't have to wear a turtleneck and long skirt to her ankles in order to walk down the street without catcalls. The presence of cleavage does not relieve a man of his obligation to mind his manners or give a woman due respect.

    As far as dancers/p**n are concerned, anyone who partakes in it, be it performing or viewing, is on equal footing in my book.  

  12. You have a good point, apart from cases where women are forced into this behaviour. However you will notice that most feminists don't suffer from getting too much of this attention from men. You could say that attractive women have always had power over men, and it wasn't until feminism that the average unattractive women had much clout in society.

    Altogether now: here come the judge, here come the judge...

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