
Why is it that women

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always seem to worry about there breast size along with there cup size. as it matters too on how they look in or out of a bra. some say there's are too small, and others say there's are too big. while some are comfortable with the size that they have.

what are you deciding factors and why?

please justify your answers.

I need data for a paper I am writing in psychology class on esteem




  1. Unless they are so big they are causing them back pain, I do not think many well rounded, confident women think too much about it after the age of 20ish.

  2. I can't speak for other women, only for myself.  I'm one who thinks my b*****s are too big for many reasons.  I have to special order bras which cost a fortune and only maintain full support for no longer than a month.  I have permanent dents in my shoulders from so much weight I'm carrying around on my chest.  I have back pains related to the size of my b*****s.  I can't wear the clothes I like.  Yet I can't get a breast reduction because according to my insurance company, I'm not suffering enough.

  3. Because most women want to live up to the typical standard of beauty you see everyday in magazines.

    Most women want the 'perfect' 34/36 D because that's what the media defines as beautiful. Get the media to define ALL features (regardless of their size) as beautiful and you'll see women become more open and accepting of themselves.

    Until that happens, you're going to continue to see this self-defeating trend go on.

  4. I believe 36 C's are the protypical "perfect" b*****s, as in larger, or large enough good cleavage but not too large as in loss of perkiness which D's or higher would be prone to sag more naturally.

    But I think this is more of women blaming men, when it's the media generally. And the media doesn't seem to actually be correct of what men find hot as skinny women with big b*****s are commonly shown by the media, but many men or just as many men love women with figures like Beyonce knowles, meaning they love a woman to have a booty to her and some nice wide curvy hips and some meat on her bones, unlike the models on TV who are twigs with big b***s. There are just as many men who love medium size b*****s of women, then men who like women with big b***s.  

  5. Society places lots of pressure on women to look a certain way.  This can make women depressed and insecure or to seek ways of altering their appearance.  This "ideal type"which exists in our culture is unhealthy and oppressive to women.  In fact, I think the beauty industry is a form of violence against women as things currently stand.  The entire beauty industry (inc. cosmetic surgery) is based upon making women feel insecure so they will spend money trying to correct it.  Women are made to feel their value comes primarily from their looks (Men are not sent this same message).  Even if a woman is intelligent and a million other qualities, society values her looks amongst all else!  This is wrong and leads to the issues you describe.

  6. Honestly I've never cared once about my breast/cup size. Actually I still don't even understand why it matters to guys, what is it that they get out of it besides something to look at?

    I think the only reason they matter any more is thanks to the media today. Movies, Hollywood, and men's opinions make it look like something women must have to be considered beautiful.

  7. because some women see that guys sometimes think that women with larger b*****s are hotter, and sometimes if theirs arent that big they think that they should be larger. also if some think that they are too big its because guys just use them for a one night stand because of how large their b*****s are. so they think maybe if their b*****s were smaller that wouldnt happen. and sometimes its just because they think their bodies look unporportioned if they have larger hips and smaller b*****s or vise-versa. it really just does depend on self esteem

  8. Breast size should not have anything to do with self-esteem; in fact, it doesn't.

  9. d**n, i think i understand women...and have no clue on the subject.  My GF wants fakes so bad, i could care less.  Sure, i would like them..but not going to disrupt my life without them. The one thing that my GF and I agree on is that when i go shopping with her it appears that all the cloths are made for women that are large. Im not sure if why this is but find it to be unfair to those who are happy with them selves and pushes the big breast necessity even farther! any girls have this problem?

  10. Women look at their breast, the same way men look at their penises. It's a part of their anatomy, that they think will help attract a mate. You know as well as I do, we have it in our minds that, bigger is better. But in reality, it just doesn't matter that much. So for your paper, think of why you would want a large p***s, and apply those reasons to a woman, and her breast.

  11. A lot of women are extremely self-conscious about their appearance and physique (for no good reason).

    Modern Feminists often disparage men (without formal basis) by suggesting that they are sexually inadequate or have a small p***s.

    This causes many young men to engage in suicidally and other self-destructive behaviour as they are made to feel inherently defective.

  12. Most women aren't that concerned with their chest sizes. The exceptions are those who are extremely well endowed and have to put up with rude comments, lewd stares, back pain, and not being able to find outfits that fit properly and those who are small breasted and have been convinced that they will be happier and more successful if they have larger b*****s.

  13. Truthfully, I don't think about it that much.  I'm perfectly happy with my b*****s.
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