
Why is it that women seem more reluctant to disclose their age to others than men?

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Hello ladies and good afternoon (or evening, night, depending on where you live).

Ok, enough flattery, down to business. I've noticed that all throughout my life (I'm 17) that females seem the most reluctant to disclose their age to anyone else (mainly to males). Now, I am not here to criticize your right to privacy, that's not what I came here to do.

In all honesty, I could care less if that information is withheld from me or not, because I'll never ask this of any woman unless I have intention(s) on being in a relationship (although I have when I was younger, around 6-7). My experiences are a result of others asking women of their respective ages, not from my doing so. So, with that in mind, I only want to know one thing, why?

Please, don't criticize me. If you feel the urge to do so, then I kindly ask that you don't answer the question. Thanks in advance.




  1. I don't give a c**p, but my mom is one of these women..I never understood it, because all of her kids are adults and how will she be able to get away with saying that she's in her 40's all of her life?  My two oldest brothers are 30-31.  

    I think weight is a more sensitive question than age, but that's just me.  

  2. When I was young, I looked much younger than I was, so I told people I was older.  

    Now I am old, I still look much younger and that is okay.  I tell people I am old because to understand a lot about me you need to know the times I grew up in.

  3. I suppose that many women are "age" it's some wonderful present that she gives to only people who deserve to know it or something....Who knows.  I personally don't care for the women who act like their age is the greatest secret in the world.  Not that my opinion matters, but..yeah...I feel they are stuck of female dogs.

  4. That is a good question.  I myself don't care who knows my age I'm 55 and proud of it.  It is just a number.  The number of years you have been on this earth.  There is nothing that we can do to change it so why lie about it.  

  5. Because younger women are considered more attractive in our society.  So you may be proud to say you are 17 now...but you might not be proud to say your age when you are 37.  One example could be my mother who likes to brag that she looks younger than her sister.  She asks, "Which of us is the older sister" and generally they say my aunt is older, much to her chagrin and smiles from my mother who is several years her senior.

  6. This is the result of modern Feminism in its attempt to ensure that there is profound confusion between the genders and adds to the degree of inter-gender divisiveness, in accordance with dogma.

  7. Because women are judged much more harshly than men.

    Both men and women judge women by their looks, weight, and age.

    One cannot hide looks and weight, but might be able to hide age for a little while.

    I had an aunt who lived to be 102 years old. Even at that venerable age she was vain about her age. She once told me (at 101) she was still a baby and that the first 100 years didn't count! She was such a card!

    I miss her.

  8. im 30 30 birthday was just on the first!

    but enough about me!

    my niece was born on the 6th...she was 8 pounds 5 ounces...19 and a half inches long. yay!

  9. Because women are more likely to be judged based on their age

    If they are too young they are just silly little girls and/or its illegal to sleep with them

    If they are too old they are seen as being used up/not the western ideal of beauty and as such they lie to 1) seem more mature or 2) try to divert the stigma as being seen as old

    I'm not saying its fair and I'm not saying that most people are guilty of judging people in these ways, but enough are that it makes women think they need to lie about their age (especially if they want to impress someone)

  10. MY guess is this... Women are (generally) seen as more "desirable" when they are younger. Men are (generally) seen as more "desirable" when they are older. If that's true, then men would have no shame in sharing how old they are as they age, while women might be less likely to "admit" their age.

  11. Vanity and desperate need for approval. Not everyone feels that way, but some do.

  12. Your question wasn't offensive and people who do find it offensive are uptight.

    The reason why women are more reluctant to disclose their age than males is a primal instinct which has passed down during the ages. It depends on who is actually asking the age. Let's say it's an anonymous stranger. For the most part, the majority of females are taught around the world never to disclose any personal information. The "Stranger Danger" message is indeed more echoed to Females than it is to males. This doesn't go to say that Males don't disclose their age but seeing that Males are in the realms of society where they are deemed as the "food-bearer, strong, muscular type". It does stem into many other schools of thought as well, for example, a Male pervertly touching a female would be stated as harrassment but vice versa and the male wouldn't mind seeing that he has the physical ability to defend himself, but I'll leave that answer for another question. Then we move on to "friends". Although not all Females are social, the majority are, especially with close one's. Chances are is that a friend (be it Female especially) asking a Female their age and that Female will give her age 9 chances out of 10. A Male friend would either have to be a VERY close friend to get that personal details or the female would see it as the Male wanting to date her.

    I don't see it as people not wanting to disclose their age because they are scared of what the other thinks. If that were the case, then this question moves more onto the boundaries of self-esteem rather than innate natures.

    Of course, this is only a hypothesis and doesn't intend to spark any controversy of any sort. Although I may not be a Human, Martians too are prone to error!

  13. age is like a curse for women in western society. you see this in the media where youth is worshiped. so women feel too old when they're like 25!  

  14. I think we're reluctant to disclose our age because we women tend to be so competitive with each other. If there's a younger more nubile woman in the room, we tend to feel 'threatened'. It probably stems from the old competitions we used to have with mating with the stronger males. The younger female would probably usually 'win' and get to mate.

    But now, it's like I say, Age and Treachery always wins. [lol] ♥ ∞

  15. Please, there is no need to explain yourself. I understand that you just have a simple question and the only way you'll know the answer is if you ask someone.

    I personally do not have a problem disclosing my age, I will be 30 years of age by the 1st of September. But for some women it is an issue with privacy, and some are simply fear being looked at diffidently (found less attractive) if they disclose their age to a stranger.

    Not to mention there was a time in our society that if a woman was over the ages of 18, 25, or 30 and was not a mother or wed then she was what's considered an "Old Maid". So because of this, many women just decided to either lie about their age, or not tell anyone how old they are.  

  16. We're either considered too young, or too old. I'm 20, I got married when I was still 19. I get the " you're way too young to be married" statement all the time and I hate it!

    I think on think on the other end, society tells us that once we hit 30, we must do everything to freeze time and stay that way. For some reason a lot of folks are telling us that age isn't beautiful or s**y.

  17. Hmm I'm 50 and don't care who knows it. At my age the guys seem as reluctant at stating their age as women do. Ageism is pretty prevalent unfortunately. I live in the south and its suppose to be rude to ask people's age but I don't care-I'm curious and ask-they know I'm a yankee by the way I talk so they let it slide-I'm from the midwest so it's not as bad as being a yankee from the north east.      

  18. I haven't gotten to the point where I am reluctant to disclose my age and I don't think I ever will as long as I feel that I am satisfied with what I have accomplished in my life at my age.  I know other women just feel like their youth is gone and don't want to admit it. We all get to be young for the same amount of time though.  

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