
Why is it that you can only post your marriage cert to the NSO.with nobody to check its quality?

by  |  earlier

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and after you have posted it .it then gets rejected because the general registrar tipexed out a detail and typed a new one over the top.knowing that it will be rejected in manila.well he did this three times now the NSO in manila say we have one more chance [or rather the registrar has one more chance to get his job right]if the registrar gets it wrong again we are not my wife is not single and not married in the eyes of her government.are they blind?if they dont except this time they must be cos i sent them all my wedding lets see a result please NSOin manila.saalamat.




  1. NSO personnel will check it for them to be able to do the authentication.

  2. How much was your bribe money?  Did you hire a fixer?

    I'm sorry to tell you this, but in the Philippines, when they know you need a document for immigration purposes, you must pay tribute to the system.

    Everybody's got a rice bowl to watch out for you know.

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