
Why is it the CUSTODIAL parent has to.....?

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report any changes in income for the non custodial parent???? does that make any sence to anyine reading this?

no seriously.....what is the point in this?

the custodial parent is the person with full custody of the child

and non custodial is the other parent...

for anyone who didnt know.....

anyone with any kind of reason that makes any kind of sence will get ten points!




  1. because if she has one cent increase in income it is going to reduce the amount of support the worthless excuse for a human being is going to get and i'm going to pounce on it.

    as long as i am supporting her new and non working boyfriend of the month, it's every bit of my business how much she makes...

    i'd hazard a guess that if YOU had 55% of your income being taken out each week to a person who (with documented proof) isn't spending it on the items it was intended to be spent on, you'd be chomping at the bit to cut them off too wouldn't you?

    funny how it never makes any difference when you are on the receveiving end of that check doesn't it?

    I work 2 jobs so each new guy in her life can sit around the house and get drunk all day while he babysits my kids and she shops.

    where is the sense in THAT?

    she has to report any change in my income because I sure as h**l am NOT going to willingly offer ANY more of my check to her....if she can find out about it...and that's a BIG if

    EDIT: yeah, I reread the question and got that last little just got divorced in the wrong state....i wish i could get by with only 20%....down south here they tend to be VERY mother-friendly and almost always stick it to us guys who actually do work and that they CAN find. we end up bearing the brunt of the court system's frustrations with the ones that don't work and that they can't find

    EDIT: hmmmm you sure can tell the ones who pay vs the ones who receive by the thumbs up/down can't you? ex's always feel they are 'owed' something.....yeah, they're owed something alright....and may just get it one of these days

    as far as mgnavado.....each state of course is different, but in my state, her income is the only one that is reportable unless she remarries....and not all of that even.....only the paycheck she receives from a job is required to be reported....any other income from any other source, live-in, roommate, renters, side jobs, inheritance, annuities ect.....are NOT reportable and have no bearing on her income statement in court....and as the judge told me "it's not MY problem you can't pay your bills, get a second job if you have to".....the support i pay her is not reportable as taxable income even though i pay taxes on it when it comes out of my check....not too hard to see why we have it in for our ex's is it?

  2. Because most non custodial parents don't want to pay so much in child support.  Do you really think they are going to call and say hey I just got a big fat raise, so why don't you take some more money out of my check? h**l no they aren't.

  3. Child support is calculated based on the income of *both parents*, not just the income of the paying parent.  When figuring child support, the courts determine the amount of money that both parents are able to contribute towards the child's needs & well-being, along with determining the lifestyle that both parents are trying to maintain for the child.

  4. Why in the world would we report an increase in pay knowing darn well the custodial parent (in OUR case) will run to the court house for an increase in child support??

    If my husband’s ex gf was a fair and reasonable person, I’d tell her to come and let us know with anything extra she may need. But she’s far from that type of person and any and every increase in pay my husband gets, she’ll be taking us to court for more money. I’m all about helping out that little girl, but why not be adults and do it properly than have to go in and out of court costing the non-custodial parent buttloads of money??

    If you don't like the way it goes, you could always give up custody so you're the non-custodial parent and then you don't have to worry about any of this.....(obviously I'm being sarcastic here)

    ** ADD **

    It’s also not “fair” as a non-custodial parent that we have to go to court just to see your own child. Or we have to go to court to prove that this woman is making p**s poor choices in regards to the best interest of the child. That she refuses to get a job so she can live off child support. That she can sit there all day long collecting child support even when her child is school age.

    The system is messed up and needs some serious attention. Because to use one formula for all situations is stupid. Child support cases should be dealt with on a case by case basis.

    ** ADD **

    If they want to force men to have to report income every now and again, they should also force the custodial parent to maintain THEIR end also. Which means if you told the courts you are capable of caring for your child and your job pays you X, then you d**n well better hold that job. Just like they expect the man to do.

    Sorry, but my husband’s ex has been unemployed for 4 months, my 5 yr old stepdaughter has NOT been enrolled in kindergarten, and she’s too busy focusing on how much money my husband is making to go ahead and look for a job her d**n self.

  5. its not that they have to, but if they know about any they are advised to because if the non custodial gets a raise they are less likely to come forward about it as they would have their child support raised. if the custodial parent knows this information then it would be to their advantage to say something

  6. I think both parents should have to give financial updates to the courts every three years...that way it'd be truly fair and based on accurate information.  Because it is also based on what the receiver makes and the difference between their order to make sure the child's 'standard of living' doesn't change dramatically from one home to the other...mansion to trailer, welfare to high society.

    OH...and in WI it's around 17% of his gross...but they lower that depending on how often he has the child and also depending on how much you make...obviously if you make 100k and he makes 25k, he most likely won't have to pay you - you might be paying him though!! WI is a VERY father friendly state...almost too much so, like they're over compensating for the fact that other states always look out for the mother.

    The big question to me are WE supposed to know when he gets an increase?  My ex would NEVER tell me how much he makes!!  I'm getting the same amount as I was when she was born almost 5 years ago...he was making $35k...and, judging from the house he bought and the hunting land and the new truck, and the trips he takes, etc. - I'm pretty sure he's making a couple dollars more than that now!!

  7. Because when the non-custodial parent's income goes up, do you really think they are going to call child support and say "hey, I get more money now, so go ahead and raise my support amount".  You know?  Soooo - if the custodial parent knows about it, they would be more likely to report the information to child support enforcement.

    At least, that's my opinion, lol

  8. Yea, as the other posters said, it's usually going to increase their payment amount, so when it means less money, they are not going to fess up until they have to.

    That being said, it doesn't always change. My boyfriend has a 3 year old daughter that he's never met(she kicked him out as soon as she found out she was pregnant, she just wanted a baby, and not to have to mess with a guy too). She flat out told my boyfriend that she was not going to work as long as she receives support, and that as long as his daughter had enough food and diapers, there is no problem with her spending the rest of the money on cigarettes and bar tabs. Luckily, she left that on a voicemail, so we took it to court, and he is locked in at a ridiculously low rate(60 dollars a month). I know some people think that's horrible, but it's not that we don't want to support the child, we actually want half custody so she can get to know her younger sister. But everytime we've made arrangements to travel up there and stay for a little while so we can meet his daughter, she literally flies out to california to visit her aunt that week. Twice, she even turned around at the airport and went back out there because we tried lying about the week and went up the following week, and her sister saw us and texted her that we were there. It's getting quite ridiculous, and in our case, I wish she would decide to get married and have her husband adopt the child so he could sign off. We tried to file for custody but she filed abandonment so we have to meet the child first and then try again, but she keeps playing these games. It's not always the custodial parent who's doing the right thing. A freaky, rare situation, but it sucks just the same.

    And it is the law that they have to report changes in income, just they like the custodial parent to confirm that the amount they report is correct, at least in PA

    Good luck!  

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