
Why is it the Hate and dislike for a person so powerful and who does it help in the end?

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Why is it the Hate and dislike for a person so powerful and who does it help in the end?




  1. hatred is a fire whom everyone gives a fuel just to use each other and hatred rises causes of lie or any kinda misunderstanding this can end only when every1 included wants it to b over some take it for years and some for just few days its never useful 2 anyone not even the one who leads it but sometimes it gets really so personal that a person is supposed to take decisions beyond his/her limitations there are so many types of hatred lyk personal professional some are just like that and some include people unnecesarily may b cause others are jealous or they dont like each other

  2. In the analog era when you clicked a camera the photo was first formed on a Negative. This was then treated and converted to a positive.

    The human mind is also like an analog camera. It forms the negative image first thereby forcing the brain to transmit Hate/ Dislike signals. The negative emotions like Hate & Dislike take precedence and therefore are more powerful.

    In the end IT DOES NOT HELP as the person who suffers is YOU. All negative emotions have a negative impact on the Human mind.

    So Mantra is --- STAY POSITIVE

  3. Hi Sylvia....I would like to partly answer your question with five questions for you!   Have you, yourself, encountered this hate and dislike?  Can you stop and figure out what is causing it?  Is it because of religion, race, jealousy,?????    Is it something you have or havent done for someone?  Is it just one,  several,  or a lot of people?   Sometimes I think people dislike us because they may be envious of us or downright jealous......  but also it could be that we have inadvertently hurt them in some way, perhaps without even knowing it.  I truly feel so bad for someone who helps no one in the end and only makes the hater miserable.  Even with our friends, the animals,  you can tame them and have them trust you if you use love, and kindness.....not hate or dislike.  There is good and bad in most all matter what they're race, religion, color, financial value, etc. etc. etc.  Should we perhaps try to "tame" the bad ones with love and caring?       Thanks for a great question, Sylvia!

  4. I would say the powerful hatred is coming from a feeling of unfairly treated. (eg: if u treated someone really well, given him everytihng, by the end, he betrayed u). So, hatred will not come from nothing. There is a 'cause' always.

    No matter what, the person who hate, is the person who suffer. The best way to treat this is to release ur hatred, and live a better life than before.

  5. To hate anyone takes a lot of negative energy.  The inner spirit of the hater gives him a sense of authority and power that will only destroy him or her in the end.  Love really does conquer all.  If the hater is amongst his own kind the power of hate is taken to another level.  As I have mention before; Hate destroys the man, not the one whom he hates.  Any power you believe in hard enough rules.  My power is with the Supreme Being and nothing can provoke me from love to hate.

  6. maybe its because of different views,,,we cant all have the same opinion on everything,,it would be nice if we did cos the world would be a better place...hate and dislike doesnt help anyone it just enrages peoples feelings even more (in my opinion)

  7. resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

  8. its so strong bec/ no one wants to be hated, every one wants 2 be loved in some way. and ini the it dosnt help anyone. it hurt both the people involed in it. but what dosnt kill you only makes you stornger.

  9. no one

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