
Why is it the USA Military can not win in Afghanistan against the Flint stone looking insurgents?

by Guest60189  |  earlier

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Afghanistan has gone on longer than World War two.




  1. If you have read any history on Afghanistan you would realize that they have two national sports.  The first is fighting each other and when they get tried of that they fight outsiders.  This has been going on sine at least the time of Alexander the Great. So while it may appear that the American Military is not winning they are not losing either.

  2. We aren't losing man, we just don't want to kill innocent civilians. If there were no civilians, we would have wiped those ******* clean off the map.  

  3. Because the terrorist are living in Pakistan mountain region, and the Pakistan government wont let us go after them. Its like fighting bees away from the source, when you know the hive is the problem and doing nothing about it. We dont need more troops over there, we need to bomb the Pakistan side of the border to h**l.

  4. Its not that they can not, it's that they won't let them.

    Bare in mind, the US Military could eradicate every living thing in that worthless part of the world with the flip of a few switches if they so wished.

  5. Well when you dont want to kill a civilian population as the enemies hide in, it takes a little more time.

  6. You are an idiot!!!!!!

  7. Because looks have nothing to do with equipment and fighting ability.  Comparing it to World War Two is two sided-we have lost many less in Afghanistan and Iraq combined then on D-Day alone; the big difference is that we are not fighting a military that stands and fights battles but a guerrilla style opponent that often runs into a neighboring country which limits our response.  I would not say cannot win they just have not won yet.

  8. The terrorists are like slimy sneaky rats crawling through the underground and hiding out as women and putting bombs on children.  A civilized country is not use to their tactics.

  9. Maybe you should join, and see why its been a long war. We are not losing, It gets me mad when people say question like this because people have died for your freedom. US military is chillin/waiting until they decide to come out of there caves and holes. Thats why US marines are always bored!! Its also the fact that we are try'n to limit civilian causalities...  

  10. First of all your ignorance speaks for itself and it's not your fault. The term Flint Stone is condescending and prejudiced. The war in Afghan is a delicate situation. Opium is the number one product that is grown in the region and the Opium trade is what feeds the insurgency. Its a drug war in unimaginable proportions.

    To tell a opium farmer to stop growing opium and not give him another alternative is the challenge. Afghans have lived life and made money doing things for a very long time and to show them another way is going to take time. They are making changes everyday and Afghan is moving in the right direction. As we continue to learn more about the region, we will continue to provide more resources for the Afghans to use in exchange for Opium. We can only do that with a clear mind and no Prejudice. Because believe it or not the people that we fight against, look just like the people that are on our side and fight with us.

  11. because we are trying to limit the number of civilians that are killed

    If we went in full force the war would have ended in days

  12. Because unlike WW2 we have curtailed our fighting forces to minimize civilian casualties, we have tied their hands in their ability to get the job done no matter the costs.

  13. USA Military has won control of the nation of Afghanistan since December 2001 using our special forces, air power, and Afghani troops.  The country side has still plenty of caves for the out of power Afghanis who chose be an armed insurgency.  But your assertion that the war there "can not be won" is wrong on all levels.  They are not in power.  Germany had it's post WW2 insurgency as did the Philippines wage a 5 year insurgency after US victory over Spain and occupation of that territory.  The Colombians have had a 40 year insurgency, but never have ruled the country.  The War for control of the country is done, and the insurgents will settle into another winter slumber in November and come out again in the Spring.

  14. When you send the Keystone cops to round up the Flintstones, what do you think you get? A half hour sitcom that is full of chuckles and merrisome mirth. The most expensive army ever (US spends more on the military than most of the rest of the world combined) sent to chase down a few pathetic third world US declared bad guys. People say this is for oil but it is really for keeping the US afloat. Without the huge expenditures - welfare - that the government lavishes on military contractors, the US economy would be in shambles. Pretty much all the US has left is an economy that is propped up by people in or supporting the military and without all this, the unemployment would be through the roof and the US would be in freefall. There are only so many jobs at Burger King and McDs. When the Soviet Union met it's demise the US lost what it needs most: an enemy. But, strangely coincidental, along come "the terrorists". At least the Soviet Union was a credible threat but, come on, can't these clowns come up with a better enemy? China would do except we are awash in all things Chinese and can't afford to offend them too much or they might quit sending us their cheap c**p. Mind you things like DNA (Defense Nuclear Agency) had seen which way the wind was blowing and from their rabid nuclear cold war stance switched over to Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA) to cover chemical and biolgical weapons as well as nuclear. But what is this massive threat that requires such huge amounts of money to be spent so carelessly? Let me see 3000 dead several years ago. About 16000 dead each year from murder or, let us just say, around 100,000 since those 3000 died. And traffic accidents? Well those would number well over 250,000 in this same period. So let me put those together and say 350,000 deaths from traffic and murder as opposed to 3000 by some "terrorist" people. That is a ratio of over a thousand to one which indicates that your chance of dying by a terrorist is less than 1/10 of one percent as opposed to being killed in a traffic accident or murdered. Not much of a threat if you ask me. And this comparison only gets smaller and smaller as the years go by and no one else is killed by a terrorist. I do not think that illegal invasions of other countries has made the world safer but yet I don't think it has increased the risk or lowered the risk for any US citizen living in the US. Rice is an idiot appointed by an idiot and these are the people that americans - collectively half of whom are of sub-normal intelligence - will keep selecting to "lead" them

    I have no time to continue this nonsense.Your diminishing freedoms have been taken by your elected officials. You elect more of these same cretins and clowns and you will just get more of the same. So what if the fighting in Afghanistan has lasted longer that WWII. The latter was a war, the former is a joke. Think about it a little.

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