
Why is it unreasonable to expect foreigners to obey our (US) immigration laws?

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And please don't give me the BS about how long it takes to get a Visa.




  1. It's not at all unreasonable.

  2. It is not unreasonable and more pressure should be put on those that choose to live in the U.S.  

  3. Because President Reagan set a precedent.

    He granted amnesty.

  4. It isn't unreasonable to expect people from any country , even our own, to obey our laws (immigration and otherwise). It is unreasonable to expect to be able to deport 12 million people that are illegally in this country. It is also unreasonable for our U.S. Consulates abroad to deny visa's at their will and discretion without sometimes giving regard to the written laws. You mention that it is not racism that we have made it harder for people from the south americas to immigrate here or even obtain simple visitor visa's but is it racism when immigration officers walk up to people on the street that have brown skin and ask them for their papers. No one is arguing that we should allow people to continue coming illegally, w are asking for a reform of the current laws cause some of them are unreasonable.  

  5. so then, by extension, its unreasonable for other countries to expect us to obey their immigration laws?

    Anyone who complains about the US immigration laws need look no further than the democrat they legislated them into existence.

  6. we should expect them to obey immigration laws like we expect bank robbers to obey banking laws

  7. It's not unreasonable and I have no problem with anybody who wants to live here. It's a great country. but they need to do it legally. If millions of Americans ran to Mexico and started committing crimes, working under the table, stealing gov. services, refusing to assimilate, marching on the streets and DEMANDING our long do you think they would put up with that.. no country would but still they come here and expect/DEMAND we let them do it and then they play the "you are racist" card.  If they really wanted a better life, they would follow the procedures to come here legally even if it took 20 years, they would come here, follow the rules,  pay taxes, NOT commit crimes and assimilate.

  8. It is not unreasonable to expect everyone to obey the US Law. Why doesn't the Justice Department go after people who are aiding and abetting those who are breaking our (US)immigration laws

  9. Because these retarded racist laws were put into place long after America's heyday of immigration where any sad sack who wanted to start a new life could show up on Ellis Island and get citizenship. The laws need to be reformed, plain and simple. It is virtually impossible to immigrate to America legally from Mexico or most Central American countries. If these laws were in place years ago anybody with Irish, Italian, etc. ancestors would be in the same boat Mexicans are today.

  10. I was wondering the same thing. Law enforcement trivializes it, like its not a law and has to be debated, even though they are illegal, no debate needed. Yes, its unfortunate that their children have to live in such a hellhole, but its not fair to Americans for ANYONE to be here illegally. We have to carry the tax, and listen to them talk in their language, not English, which is extremely annoying. If we debated every single crime instead of having a trial or enforcing it, then there wouldn't be anyone in jail. Apparently, laws are just suggestions. We need to close our borders

  11. has anyone seen mexico laws or heard mexico is so beatful sure becuse your here  no excuess they should all go home by   we wonte miss you  and there will be jobs again  good i neede one  and i only  speak  english  

  12. I broke the speed limit, that hut noboby, illegals hurt everyone that pays taxes.  I speed, got punished, now it's time to punish illegals.

    OK folks, we speed, lets open the borders LOL> Anything goes.

  13. do you obey all the laws in America? speed limits are laws also...  drug use is...  

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