
Why is it we are more Creative when we are either Sad or Happy?

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Why is it we are more Creative when we are either Sad or Happy?




  1. I believe it's because Our "focus" tends to be more "outside the box" under THOSE circumstances... And so we're able to create things with fewer constraints to Our Imagination... Reality, afterall, can be rather self-limiting...

  2. In the mundane and humdrum there is little to inspire anything but apathy.

    On the fringes, at the edges, to the extremes, this is where energy both gathers and flows. This is where change, creation and destruction are.

    This is true in Physics, Metaphysics and Life.

  3. I'm just taking a guess, but I think that the human emotion is stimulated when a person is sad or happy, therefore making us more creative. Basicly, our emotions are easily expressed through our creative side.

  4. speak for yourself

  5. because when we are happy or sad we exhibit more emotion,

    if you have a certain talent like painting or singing then that emotion is shown through what ever your painting or singing...

    hope that helps

  6. Deep, especially desperate feelings, engender a higher level of creativity.

  7. Ha... now this is a really interesting question.

    Really, you cannot be creative when you are sad but the thing is that when you are creative, you become happier and tend to forget the sadness. So being creative is just a process by which you tend to forget your sadness and move towards happiness.

    Creativity and Happiness go hand in hand. Its one positive vicious circle. If you are happy you will think of creative things to do and doing those things will make you even happier. If you are sad but you can think of doing something that is creative (like painting or writing or poetry etc), it is only an attempt from that what you really are to move towards a place of happiness. Even if you end up writing a sad poem, you also come to appreciate that you wrote the poem and that you are creative and such thoughts that acknowledge your creativity make you feel better.

    So now you can say "OK so we are more creative when we are happy but then the question is why are we creative at all when we are happy". We are all actually wanting to be happy. And its not just that. Even if we are happy, we all want to be even happier and since what makes us the happiest is to create things on our own and then cherish our creation for a while (till we are bored of it) and then move towards some other creative place, so we want to allow creativity to flow through us in various ways when we are happy or moving towards a happier place.

    Very interesting. :-)

  8. more emotions that need to find an outlet

  9. i am not creative when i am sad.

  10. we just want to forget who we are... what are problems drowning ourself in work  

  11. I believe it has to do with expressing ones self. Whe you are feeling something and you are unable to verbally express it, creativity can be the perfect outlet. I can be very creative with music, especially when I am angry.  

  12. Emotions, either happy or sad, set us on the go.

    When happy, we wish to expand, to offer, to share our joy and all this is expressed in a creative way.

    When sad, we wish to let go, to find ways to sooth the pain and according to the disposition of the individual, all this can be expressed in a most creative work, especially in Literature or Music.

    It is the passion that makes the Artist.

  13. in both instances most people tend to reach out for either share their happiness or ease the sadness. creativity is one means of doing so.  

  14. I really have no answer for this question, which I have asked myself many times.

    I write fine poems when I am extremely sad and anxious, but when I am happy I don't even feel like writing at all.

    I guess it is within the human nature, that is, to be mused at times of grief.

  15. It's the emotion. Emotions and feeling tend to pull things out of us, out of our hearts, souls, and heads, which is usually showcased in something creative, whether it's writing, painting, sculpting, or anything else. =)

  16. Creativity comes from emotion. When someone paints a picture, writes a song, writes a story, they are doing so because they have something to share or say. If we try to create (to be creative) when we do not have something share or passion to put into it, then it will be boring and ineffective. We create when we are happy, sad, angry, confused, even calm, any emotion that we feel a need to get out or to share. If we are having an boring day, our emotions are whatever, we don't have that passion, then whatever we try to create will show that.

  17. Because indifference is the opposite of everything.

  18. I wonder if the more intense emotional state makes us take lines of thought that we wouldn't usually go down. It changes the pattern of your thoughts and conclusions, and so affects your ideas

  19. This isn't true for me at all. I am most creative when I am not being emotional but balanced. I sat down yesterday & worked on a book for coaching & answered some questions that I know will change my life so I am consciously creating my life. I want to be financially independen, self-actualized & travel the world. If I would sit around which I did for many years being sad (grieving) I would be stuck in that. Then I worked on myself & became happy which is great but it took joy which is not dependent upon anything to get me to a balanced, whole, state fo being & now that I am it is amazing to see how creative I am. When I was deep into the grief after my son passed away I was so out of it at times I was able to write beautiful & uplifting spiritual stories. They amazed me & I knew it was as if I channeled them. I would say there is something creative about letting go of ego but we can do that by meditation or just being still & don't have to be sad or happy which are just thinking unauthentic thoughts anyway.  

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