
Why is it we are still seeing idiots using these mobile phones when driving vehicles?

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my wife and I could not believe our eyes the other day, we were travellimg in our car behind a young lady driver, not only was she driving using the phone, on a straight road but she was still using the phone as she turned right, and there were two, young children in her car, hows that for complete, lunacy ?




  1. Because they are too stupid to figure out how to get their messages off of the voicemail feature.

  2. And going to keep doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I agree 100% they should be banned from driving especially when they have got their kids in the car.  if they have no respect for thier childrens lives they deffiantly dont care about ours.

    I do feel strongly about this, just in case you think i'm a bit ott.

  4. I don't understand the need to be in constant communication

  5. I have no idea.

    I even saw a guy driving an articulated lorry through the middle of town while obviously sending text messages the other day. The police will pick you up for driving 5mph over the limit, why don't they start to enforce this? It is far more dangerous.

    I seem to recall an article in one of the nationals recently about a guy who died at the wheel of his car while reading a text message on the evening that he had proposed to his girlfriend. What a fool!!!!

  6. oh leave her alone

    we all know the real reason we can't use phones while driving is because you don't get a good signal

  7. Because they can, if they can they will. because the punishment is not good enough. kids carry knives because they can. if they get caught nothing happens end of story.

  8. Complete lunacy?

    How is making a right turn while using a phone so much more dangerous that it falls into the catagory of complete lunacy?  

    How do you know she wasn't pulling off the road to finish the conversation?

    Not all people are automatically bad drivers just because they use a mobile phone.  I might even go so far as to say that two young children in the car might be the biggest distraction she faces while driving.  I wouldn't judge her driving on the use of a phone, I'd judge it on the quality of her driving.  Did she signal when she made that turn?  No?  If not, then she IS a poor driver and should probably be cited for not using a turn signal.  Bad driving is bad driving, cell phone or not.

    I have had a cell phone in my car since they were installed as breifcased sized units under your seat.  I have been driving for 20 years.  I have never been in an accident.  I signal when I turn or change lanes.  I don't use my phone if I'm in heavy traffic.  I pull off the road if I need to.  By your logic, I must be an idiot too.

    (So much for 'best answer' this time...)

  9. Because they have jobs

  10. you seem surprised ? iam a professional driver and i see it all the tme men women young and old one hand on the wheel no hands , some of the worst offenders are taxi drivers ive only ever seen one on duty police man holding a fone whilst driving but more worrying ive seen 3 driving instructors .

    the most shocking and worst case i ever seen was a man on the M40 motorway driving approx between 70 and 80 holding one phone to his ear whilst holding another in his hand as if he was trying to read a txt message

    incase you wondered he was  steering with his elbows

  11. I ride a motorbike and if i see a driver on the phone i approach with caution they are complete idiots i agree with you 100%

  12. last night i saw a man reading a book, he was so engrossed he didnt even see the crossings

  13. Because they're total tossers who could not give a hoot for anyone's safety - not even their own.

    My mobile phone is always turned off while I'm driving, that way I can't feel pressured to answer it while driving.

    If a phonecall is important enough, the caller will always ring back later - if it's not, then it wasn't worth making in the first place!  and if it wasn't worth making it's not worth:-

    A; answering,

    B; losing your good driving record for,

    C; getting fined for,

    D; getting penalty points for,

    E; causing someone to die for,

    F; killing yourself for.

    BUT, I've seen many (as many as 17 in one day) mobile phone W4 NKR's who's selfish nature won't let them see sense or reason.

    I wonder how many realise that if they are invloved in an accident whislt on the phone, they are held solely resposible for the accident - even if it was caused by the other person?

    Why are they held repsonsible? - because by law they should not even be there, if they're on the phone!  AND if they hadn't been there, they wouldn't have been invloved in the first place!

    It's the same ruling that is applied to drunk drivers.

    What I can't work out is, if we've been able to curb drink driving - then why the h**l can't we get to grips with the mobile phone W4 NKR's?

  14. I've seen people booting down the motorway at 80mph+ TEXTING of all things..

    they should ban it all together.. even if it's hands free people are more distracted.. sorry to say.

    I find it funny they ban smoking in work vehicles yet not ban using a phone with hands free..

    if they say u can't smoke while driving thats crazy.. thats the next thing I'm waiting for..

    if enough get caught.. 3 points will be a nice present for them.

  15. you can put the fine's up as high as you like,but if the police are'nt there to enforce it,then its a waste of time.

  16. That is nothing,

    The other day I saw a lady with a cigarette in the mouth, phone between shoulder and ears and drinking a pop with the other hand.

    They not only endanger their life but otheres on the road.

  17. Many drivers are ignorant of the risks involved. It increases crash risk by four times.

    Many drivers are selfish anyway. It is hard to prevent it.

  18. Because the law doesn't get enforced , I've seen police cars drive behind someone who was talking on their mobile while driving and the police just ignored it . Time the ban got enforced and the penalty should be higher .

  19. How else do you define the word "idiot"?

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