
Why is it we can talk to strangers better than family/friends?

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how is it tht ppls can open up better than talking to family and friends like yea i can tell my bestfreind things and i know she wont judge me and i can tell my family things to but alot of times i would rather tell a stranger my problem then anyone else? y is tht




  1. we worry more about what our family/friends think of us. we see them nearly everyday of our lives. where as a stranger, you can just walk away and never talk again.

  2. strangers arent going to ask about what you talked about a few days later. you don't care about what a stranger might think about you after you tell them certain things.

        ten years down the road, the stranger isn't going to remember you or what you told them, and you wn't remember them.;

  3. We have more confidence because they don't know us as well as family/friends, so we can fool them.

    ALso, we have nothing invested in them and when they leave they'll probably never see us again, so we can risk telling them something that we can't risk telling someone who knows us better.

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