
Why is it we put down red carpet for the queen etc.?

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when and why do we put down red carpet when did it start?




  1. shes important i supposeee..

  2. it symbolises the blood they have spilt over the generations, of innocents, it is christian in its nature, blood thirsty people that they are, aristocracy is nonsense the king or queen is really just nonsense, god is king

  3. Red is a royal colour, hence red carpet for important events such as the Oscars and so on.  Red is a luxury colour and makes any event look good.

    In China red is not only the national colour, it goes right through Chinese culture - red is lucky.

    It's not just the Queen who gets the red carpet treatment, so too do visiting dignitaries to UK.

    If you take the tour round Buckingham Palace, the entire place seems to be one endless red carpet - that dark wine red colour.

    Here in UK, red is the colour of the House of Lords.

    Green is for the Commons and also Green is the state colour of UK, sometimes also known as BRG [British Racing Green].

    If you manage to see the State Opening of Parliament on TV - soon, you'll see what I mean about red.  It's just about everywhere and the interior of the House of Lords is just one mass of red and gold.  Note too that their Lordships wear red cloaks.

    Until the time of the Boer War, the British Army wore red,  Well, scarlet actually, but red is what it's usually called.  If you're an American, the correct name for a Red Coat is a Lobster - well that's the name used in c1776 and on through the Revolution.

    So, while Geo.Washington wore a blue and white uniform, King Geo III wore a red one.

  4. the royal family is very important to this country it is one of the things that make it great. also they do bring lots of tourism's

  5. Its the queen, duh!!

  6. Once upon a time, rolling out the red carpet was reserved for kings and queens. Now, any two-bit celebrity up for an award gets to tread on one. How Agamemnon would have disapproved. As the title character in the play written by ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, Agamemnon is tricked by his wife into walking across a red carpet fit only for the "feet of the gods." That was 485 B.C., way before the Academy Awards, so you see how far back the concept goes.

    In 1821, President James Monroe was entertained with a red carpet rolled out to the river. And when the New York Central Railroad unrolled a red carpet to welcome passengers aboard its famous 20th Century Limited train, the term "red-carpet treatment" was born.

    For much of history, though, purple was considered the most regal color. From a Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute paper :

    "Probably the most...expensive dye of ancient times was Tyrian purple...obtained from a small sac in the body of a snail-like marine mollusk...Only royalty and the very wealthy...could afford to wear apparel colored with this dye..."

    According to this master's thesis, until the Middle Ages, the word "purple" was also used to describe various shades of red. This may account for purple's majestic aura crossing over to its crimson cousin. Today, red rules, though royal proponents of purple still exist.

  7. If you look at the Commonwealth Parliaments around the world you will see that their upper chamber, like the Senate in Canada, is red. The Commons, the lower chamber, is green. In Canada when the Governor General reads the speech from the throne, the MPs come to the Senate Chamber because Senators aren't allowed in the lower chamber. The justices of the Surpreme Court since in the centre of the floor just below the Throne, dressed in their red robes.

    And take a look at The Mall. That's the street running from Admiralty Arch to Buchingham Palace in London. It's red. I believe it's the only red road in the UK.

  8. In 1821, President James Monroe was entertained with a red carpet rolled out to the river. And when the New York Central Railroad unrolled a red carpet to welcome passengers aboard its famous 20th Century Limited train, the term "red-carpet treatment" was born.

    Red Carpet Treatment is "A lavish reception, first-class hospitality. The red carpet is laid down at airports and official buildings to accommodate the steps of important personages such the Queen.

  9. So the stupid old witch doesn't get her feet dirty.  Or because we're supposed to revere her.  I personally, would pull it from under her and LMAO as she fell on her pampered backside..............  Did you know I don't like the royal family?

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