
Why is it when I am finally ready to look for a job?

by  |  earlier

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everyone has a problem with it, my hubby cause he wants me to still stay home with the kids but they'll be in school all day long, my mother in law because I'm suppose to watch her dog for two weeks in october, it's just a few hours a day I'd be working and everyone is in an uproar don't I have the right to want to do something with my time while the kids are in school?




  1. You need to get out of the house and work while the kids are at school.  You can't be expected to stay at home all day.

  2. OMG...... I had a similar  problem about three weeks ago. well i got this job at the airport, it was graveyard shift so i had no problem with it cause at that time my daughter would be asleep and i wouldnt miss out on anything with her. but the first day that I went to work my husband calls me and tells me to come home because he missed me and we would never see each other because he works all day. so i quit my job and it turned out that he just wanted me to stay home because he thought i was going to cheat on him and he wanted dinner ready when he came home.(sorry im telling you my whole life story) but maybe your husband is scared you might cheat on him or something if i were you i would keep working.

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