
Why is it when I eat food I feel like throwing up?

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I had a chocolate milkshake from Jack in the box , that i just threw up




  1. I'll put it simply for you,

    You're anorexic.

    Deal with it.

  2. Here are some possibilites:

    1. You are allergic to that food

    2. The food is too unhealthy

    3. You've eaten too much food

  3. i dont know you should proably see the docter

  4. maybe the food has bacteria on it?

    or ur sick of eating it

  5. You didn't give enough information to get a decent answer.  For example, when and what are you eating?  How long have you felt this way?  You may have an illness, you may be developing an eating disorder, you may be allergic to certain foods or the way they taste or smell may make you nauseous.  There are a lot of answers to that question.

  6. your stomach lets you know what it needs if it dosnt want it in that you put the wrong thing in. . . change your diet

  7. honey, dont go bulimic.

    there are many possible reasons to this. arent eating healthy foods so your body isnt getting the nutrients that it needs to function

    2. you might want to check with your doctor, this could be early signs of stomach,intestine, or liver cancer

    3. you could be eating too much, like me! try only eating healthy foods for one whole day, remember to consume 3 meals. after that day see if you feel any better

    4. and my last piece of advice, take some d**n pepto bismol or something, ahaha

    hope i helped

  8. You're allergic to food.

  9. maybe you need to eat healthier foods or foods that aren't rich. I'm not quite sure tho

  10. bulimia, sorry,

    talk to someone.

  11. it happens to me too, sometimes i eat it too fast or you are allergic :(

    it might be acid reflux!! i had that :[

  12. Maybe you are allergic to the food you ate or maybe you aren't really hungry and you were just thirsty. If problems continue see a doctor.  

  13. it could be gall bladder problems

  14. Does the food actually make you feel sick or do you want to throw it up?  That is the question and being stick thin is not attractive, being healthy and toned looks so much better.

    I had a bulimic friend in college, she would binge and toss it all up, she was very ill and almost died.  So, you must decide what is causing this.

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