
Why is it when I ever eat at Taco Bell or Mcdonalds, about a half hour or twenty minutes I just feel terrible.

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If I eat else where for lunch or bring my lunch I don't get sick.




  1. maybe it's because it's bad for you

  2. Are you super sizing your order.

    The first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    Im being serious now, It could easily be a common food alergy or maby your body is trying to send you a message that you need to eat healthier.

    Im not going to judge because maby you are eating healthy, but its just i have never seen anything "healthy" at taco bell


  3. it could be all the grease, fat, calories, etc.

    and that there is so many of it, that it makes you feel sick.

    it bad for you.

    try eating a smaller meal with less calories and fat.

  4. Because you feel guilty about eating it, and you make yourself believe you are sick

  5. It's the poison that is in the food that make you feel bad

  6. There is a large salt content in the meat served at fast food shops is hard for your stomach, liver, and kidneys to digest. These three organs stress the most not to mention the stress this food puts on your heart and circulatory system. Salt is bad for the system and is not natural occurance in food. If you just ate food in its raw form you would be alot better off.

  7. It's most likely that your body has a hard time digesting the grease in the foods you order from there...

  8. It maybe beacuse you need something more fresh and healthier. Use of large quantities of sodium (as in case of fast foods), oils and fats cause bloating and unease. If your metabolism is good you have to eat food that will make you feel fresh when it gets absorbed in your body. eg. fruits, non-breaded/overfried meat (that is fresh), fresh greens, light bread, yogurt/curd, plain water (try cutting down aerated beverages).

  9. Probably because there is much too many calories in your meal.

  10. It's the ingredients.  Do yourself a favor, listen to your stomach, quit eating at those places

  11. load of salt, grease, fatty carbos-DUHHH!  read a book titled "Fast Food Nation" if you want to get off the fast food habit.

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