
Why is it when Obama said families?

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are off limits...the right claimed he was running for president and should be able to handle the scutiny...and now when when Bristol is pregnant we are to abandon the scrutiny....With McCains health and age she could be running our country




  1. Big difference Michelle was campaignin, and made an unpatriotic comment.

    This their daughter, who hasnt doe anything wrong. only people making an issue of it is, Democrats who are not voting for McCain anyway.

    Me as a republican doesnt matter to me.

    What about McCains health, every doctor has said he is good to go.

    And what about bidens health? Thats even scarier to think of Obama teamed with Pelosi

  2. To be fair, Obama came out strongly against those who are saying c**p about Bristol and the rumors before about Bristol being the mother of the Downs baby.

    He said (and I believe) that if he finds out it came from anyone working in his camp, he'd fire them.

  3. Democrats are don't like Palin because she didn't abort her down syndrome baby and she didn't force her daughter to have an abortion.

    Vote for real change, vote McCain/Palin '08

  4. Because the right wing consists entirely of hypocrites.

  5. If she become President, we would all still be in good hands. Any president don'e run the Us, but acts on advisors and so on. Do you really think Bush runs the US? Nooooo. it is Cheny, the Pentegon, etc. Oalin would do as good a job as anyone (Except Oblalbma)

    McCain 2008

  6. not only that, but some cruel things about Palin's downs syndrome child have surfaced.  Sickening

  7. Cause Republicans are hypocrites

  8. Palin has the lowest confidence rating of anyone VP has ever had. She has made the people who believe in abstinence look like fools. She has Dairygate & all kinds of mis-use of power. So Obama is such a respectul person, of course he will take up for the 16 year old. The republicans have no respect so off course they lie & they spew hate. It just gets worst when they are not winning. So this is the way they behave. They keep saying Obama was in the Senate for 2 years, when he has a long list of accomplishements since 1996 & they are easy to be found. Even has a place that shows his legislature & you press the work list to find 619 things he wrote. They just look stupid for not doing research & talking about things honestly.

  9. it takes a sick person to pick on sick kids

  10. This is not about families.

    It's about faulty "family values".

    It's about policy ideas that may become law.  Don't take it so personally.

  11. Republicans can dish it out but they can't take it.

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