
Why is it when a 17 year old or younger gets pregnant people act like there are 2 choices?

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Either keep the baby or have an abortion. Has anyone ever thought of adoption? There are many couples that would love to be parents. Why is adoption option so taboo unless your the one doing the adopting? Then all of a sudden it's the loving choice. I wish more people talked about adoption and less about abortion.




  1. I am for adoption.  Usually when someone wonders what to do, I encourage them to carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption because I know that there are people that try to conceive but can't for one reason or another.

  2. Most people only give the adoption or keep the baby options. Abortion is rarely mentioned. Idk where you're getting your information.

  3. adoption was never a option in my family

    my dad said if any of us girls got pregnant

    he would take care of it

    but it would stay in the family

    and for the chica who said use birth control

    well, sweetie, my mom and dad used three different types of birth control

    and had twins ( me and brother)

    so your stupid

    cause things happen

  4. Im 13 myself but my sister is


    My parents were very angry but she gave it for adoption becuase she wanted the baby to have good parents..

  5. I know a lot of people won't like my answer but it is only an honest one. I think that people who adopt are wonderful human beings and people who put their baby up for adoption insead of abortion are very strong people. But, I myself could never and I think a lot of others feel this way. Abortion might be a horrible thing that you have to live with for the rest of your life but at the same time you don't have to go through a pregnancy as a teen and all those emotions and then after it is all over give your beautiful baby who is a part of you to someone else. Abortion definitly will leave you scarred for life but I think it might be harder to always wonder if the child you are passing in the mall could be yours. I don't know it's just my opinion even though it might be a little selfish.

  6. because not everybody have the same views as you. did you think of that.

    Not everyone will be accepted for carrying a child to term and giving up. And honestly there are not a lot of people who would adopt.

  7. Because people have a closed mind. They don't think about adoption because if you don't want the kid then nobody will. Now I'm not saying that all people are like this but a lot are. Personally if i got pregnant at 16 my parents would have made me keep the baby. It is not the child's fault that their mom was a idiot and got pregnant, ABORTION SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. i know that many people will disagree with me but if you don't want a baby then use birth control and a condom!

  8. im 16 and due in 6 days...i would never think of having a abortion...(killing my baby) that is so cruel and so is any one who would think of it

  9. I think adoption, abortion, or keeping the baby is none of our opinions, only the person whos having the baby.

    We shouldn't be so judgemental.

  10. I think there should only be two choices.

    Keeping the baby or ADOPTION.

    i dont agree with abortion at all.. lik eyou said there are many couples who would love to have a child.

  11. I couldn't agree more.  There are so many people out there who would make excellent parents but cannot have a child of their own.  Adoption is the loving choice of a birth parent.  Absolutely.

  12. Actually, to me the 2 choices are adoption, or keeping it. When my best friend Kayte got preggo at 14, the first thing I said was are you gonna keep it, or put it up for adoption. In the end Kayte did get an abortion, (I do not support the idea of abortion) because she was just too chicken to tell her parents. i personally think this is a horrible reason to have an abortion. In my opinion you should just get over yourself, tell your parents, and give the child to a family who really wants it. If you were irresponsible enough to have unprotected s*x, then you need to deal with the consequences. Don't punish a baby who deserves a full chance at life. And don't punish the people out there who would make great parents, but are unable to have a child.

    Although teenage pregnancy is not the greatest thing, it can give good people an amazing opportunity to adopt, and love a baby.

  13. I don't people look at it that way at all. I think there is the choice to stay pregnant or not. That is the decision that needs to be made first of all.  What to do after that takes much longer to decide, and should not be made until further in the pregnancy.

    I do not believe adoption is "taboo". I think people are just not looking much past the initial decision.

    Adoption is a beautiful and selfless decision, and I applaud anyone who decides it is best for them and the baby. I would love to see a "flood" of babies to be adopted, and a rapidly declining abortion rate.

  14. ABORTION IS NOT KILLING A BABY!!! ITS A FETUS!  Get your facts straight! Now about your question. They are just dumb, clearly since they are prego at a young age. And you think that Juno and The Secret Life Of The American Teenager would change peoples minds.

    Edit: Abortion helps stem cell research so I am for it. Adoption is sometimes bad because people may reject the child for not being theirs and the child may reject itself for thinking they were a mistake or bad. Keeping a baby should be their choice depending on how they got prego. If they were raped/molested they could give it up but if they didn't then they should pay their own faults. Then again if they can't care for the baby they would have to put it up for adoption. I could talk for years but I will just stop myself.

  15. I have never thought of there being just "two choices"...I've always thought of all 3..but actually, I usually think "adoption or keep the baby" not abortion.  

  16. Because many unwanted children who are put up for adoption end up living lonely lives in foster care.

  17. abortion, adoption my @ss..they shouldn't be having a baby period

  18. I think there are four options:

    Keep it (Which I only recommend if they can pull it off)


    Abortion (I don't really recommend, but it's their choice)

    Foster home (They can keep it when they're a fit mother)

  19. I'm 100% up for adoption, I think its great when people do not think about themselves and think about the childs life. But you have to understand, if you have ever been pregnant it would be hard to just have the baby and hand him/her over. You carry that baby inside of you for 9-10 months, feeling the kicks and punches. You bond with the baby, so a person has to be very unselfish to actually go along with giving their baby up for adoption, you hear about it all the time that couples are expecting to get a baby and then the birth mother changes her mind.

    Abortion in my mind is murder. My opinion.

    I'm 18 and 41w2d pregnant, We never once thought about abortion, we did talk about adoption but we are taking responsibility for our actions, its good thought because we both changed, matured, and grew up a whole lot, now we can't wait for our son. He's going to have the best life we can provide for him, and we are going to try...

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