
Why is it when a bully or thug deliberately picks a fight with someone the teacher sends BOTH to detention?

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You are 100% completely innocentand minding your own business; however, if a bully or thug wants to pick a fight with you why do authorities send BOTH to detention instead of just the antagonizing bully?

Is that fair?




  1. i would think most of the time it is because the teacher did NOT see who started it and thus it is one persons word against another..  so BOTH get in trouble..

  2. It was like that at my high school, if there was a fight they sent both students to detention no matter what.  It seems like a really poor idea to me.  Why punish the victim?  It sounds like a rule designed to make it easy for teachers to enforce the rules.

  3. while it doesnt seem fair it is meant to lessen the disruption to the actually lessons and teaching going on.... by removing them you are really only sending the message to everyone else that respect the enviroment respect others rights to listen to what is being taught. Try not to forget that the teacher maybe be skilled in teaching he or she might not have ability nor desire to play referee or mediator between kids that react to bullies and bullies that pray on innocent kids. really in view of majority i would favor a teacher who can keep their head cool while demanding respect and keeping extra attention to bullying and sending messages to students by refusing to allow it to happen. i have seen too many teachers turn blind eye to it, joined in on it. and even my son was subject to it for years in a parochial school that insisted it was handling the problem. well the problem finaly ended when i said to my son just kick the **** out of the bully but a heck of alot of self esteem issues had already planted root in my young son's mind. while its extremely difficult to monitor bullying all teachers owe it to all students to maintain a calm and respectful attitude towards kids while being stern and keeping hawk like watch on happenings. it doesnt only happen to boys it happens to girls as well. 100% innocent will not keep you safe from people in life who wish you harm sometimes its in anothers nature to make another feel bad just to make themselves feel bigger or better. refuse to be their target. avoid and be smart about it. if all else fails pray or do something out of ordinary to confuse them. sometimes you can try to befriend them but decide it its beyond that or not so hope that helped. Good luck to you and may God protect you from harm.

  4. Because they just don't want to deal with it. They have a class to teach. No it's not really fair but we live in a world that isn't always fair.

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