
Why is it when blacks move into an area ?

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whites usually leave and the area goes under. I know the question sounds blatantly racist, however, from my experience, areas where blacks moved in around my area have all gone down hill?




  1. its simple

    its called white flight

    when a black family moves in the white ppl feel scared or threatened and one by one they slowly leave so when the black people are left all of the money and funding that was once there is now gone and the prices of the houses go down because everyone is essentially leaving at once in terms of real estate

  2. I know several blacks that would be a welcomed asset to my area. I also know several whites that would make it go down. My point is, don't generalize.

  3. maybe it's because the ither white people stereotype the blacks, and move, resulting in a ruined area

  4. That's a little old school isn't it? I've lived all over the world and in the more sophisticated places, like California for example that's just not the case any more.

    Sometimes in inner city areas as an area ages and decays housing prices get cheap and more and more poorer inned city black families move there. So the less affluent moving into the area is the result not the cause of decay.

    I don't think Collin Powell or Condolisa Rice moving into my building would bring values down any.

  5. Ive noticed the same thing in my state there was a few really good areas then they became mostly black and now they are extremely ghetto, its quite odd. The rent is cheap and no one wants to live there. I wouldnt want to live there but NOT because its mostly black people because the crime rate is highest in these areas and thats a fact it even says on this link that blacks are 3x more likely to be in jail than hispanics and 5x more likely to be in jail then whites. and i doubt all of them are wrongly accused.

  6. Firstly how many different places have you evaluated to know that when whites move it goes to h**l, and how does it go to h**l?  

    I bet none!  This isn't to down you or anything, just to inform you that you are ill informed.  If you live in this so called destroyed area is it really from blacks only and how could it go downhill so quickly that you can accuse only blacks.  

    Answer these questions and you will find that your hypothesis is weak.

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