
Why is it when i give my son fish fingers hes smells like fish for the next 1 or 2 days?

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Does anyone else have this problem? and whats a good way to stop this? Even when he goes to toilet it reaks of fish. He loves fish fingers and always asks for them i've had to cut it down to once or twice a fortnight. because it makes him smell like fish. This is a serious question.




  1. It could be you.

  2. Ummmmm..........Try introducing something that you haven't bought before that doesnt smell so bad. Go to the store and let him pick out any one thing that he wants ( except candy of course!) that would be a good substitute for fish fingers. If he finds something that he likes better then there you go. But if not then have him take a shower after eating them and line your toilets with those things that make your toilet smell better. Let me know if any of this works. If not I'll try to come up with something else.

  3. This is only an opinion,however I would suggest that you ask your care-giver,although personally I do not believe  this is abnormal! Adults are sometimes prone to this,especially if fried or spicy foods are involved!

  4. **Worst case scenario, just for reference** - classic early symptom of a very rare syndrome.. 'Fish Odour syndrome' or Trimethylaminuria.

    Basically, if he does have the syndrome - it's to do with the enzymes in his body not working properly. The smell can come out in the toilet, his pores, or his breath.

    Theres currently no cure - BUT - the syndrome wont cause your son any harm (if he does have it). It will NOT affect his health at all.

    In young children, the symptoms ('fish odour' smell) appears to only come about when fish is eaten, and lasts for a few days- but as the child grows, it can get worse and the smells can come about no matter what their diet.

    Take your son to the Doctor to get an assesment. There are varying degrees of the syndrome, and it may just be that your son has to avoid fish all his life to keep the smell away - it may not turn into a worse form of the syndrome at all. The syndrome is very rare and normally Doctors miss the diagnoses completely.

  5. Fish has a very strong smell, and can last for a while. Straight after your son's dinner, think about giving him some mints. When he has finsihed them, go into the bathroom with him, and make sure he cleans his teeth properly. Also, cleaning your tounge can stop you from having bad breath.  Hope this helped you :)

  6. A ancient South American tip- Squeeze a large sized lemon and drink the juice after eating fish. Drink lemonade and orange fruit juices after eating fish. The citric acids will help reduce the smell. If his urine smells like fish, he may be a little bit dehydrated. Increase his fluids if this is the case.

  7. Does he clean his teeth well?

  8. This shouldn't happen. Try a different brand and if it keeps happening, cut it out. Also, is it just fish fingers or all fish? If it is just fish fingers, there's probably an additive in the brand you are using which reacts with his body to give off a fishy smell.

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