
Why is it when?

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i tune in to the radio with my radio cd player and then the same station on my pc i hear the pc say things about one second faster then on my radio cd player?

do you know what i mean




  1. Its a bit like terrestial and satelite tv - one link works faster because of the upload speed to the satelite.

  2. i find it the other way around,

    the analog signal comes direst from from the station and is just a very little faster then the digital signal that is beamed up into space ,hits the satellite and then beamed back down to earth

    regards x kitti x

  3. Miss Kitti has it right but not necessarily for the right reason.  The Internet may or may not be distributed by satelite, but is distributed by conversion of the audio to digital, then the digital is transmitted by being relayed through multiple paths until it final arrives at the PC where it has to be re converted to analog audio.  This adds a bit of delay or "Latency" that can be irritating.  Some folks find it interesting when watching live sports.  The radio is a direct signal, from the transmitter to the receiver with no delay on conventional radio  (Except in the US where Digital "HD" radio has a built in 8 second delay for various technical purposes.)  If your original statement was right about the PC being faster, then maybe you are listening to a networked signal that is delayed in the radio transmission but you are hearing the PC connected to the original.  Not likely though.
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