
Why is it when some one ask questions about how the New World Order is enforcing the spiritual mark of the ?

by  |  earlier

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Beast my question is always deleted? I have even had people posting my questions across the Internet / Blogs and they get deleted. How is this? The question is informative also. It states how they trick and seduce even force people into playing and practicing occult "Games" & practices such as Ouija boards, magic art, witchcraft, divination, tarot, etc.. And through spiritual bondage from said "Games" people are forced to go through a transcendental meditation ceremony assisted with witchcraft / Demonic powers. Were said victim is forced into the worship of one of their many"Demons" except one except them all. what better way to bring all "Religions" of the world together. Wrong! One being Satan no need to go any further, another being the Beast which ascends up from the abyss. Was Harry Potters witchcraft books distributed into society to allow witches to use their demonic powers in peoples Homes to take captive? If anyone is to go into captivity into captivity he will go.




  1. go to the People's Awareness Coalition.

  2. If you want to KNOW the TRUTH about such, search for and READ The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!  The answer is in there.

    I can't post the URL for it because it is deleted by the same God Players who delete your questions!

    Best to you!

  3. The reasons your questions like this get deleted are as follows:

    1.) They are posted in thde wrong forum. When you start talking aboutvisions from the Book of Revelation, it probably should be posted in Religion and Spirituality.

    2.) Your message is in the form of a rant, not a question. You have asked and answered your own question.

    3. ) Your question displays a rather tenuous command of the language.

    4.) Some of your comments -- like equating people who peaceably meditate -- with people  who actively worship demons or comparing Wiccans to participants in organized crime is offensive.

    You offer no evidence to support your claims except for a tissue of out-of-the mainstream beliefs that you hold to.

    Do you understand now why your questions are deleted?

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