
Why is it when theres a hurricane in America, British news channels dedicate all air time to it?

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surely if its in america it should be on CNN i dont wish americans any bad luck but it does annoy me...what about you?




  1. i guess people in the UK are more interested in world events  than you lot over there  , the US is more inward looking

  2. How callous and inhuman can you get?

    It matters not where in the world that lots of people are threatened with death and destruction, long term hardship etc - the worldwide press will always highlight it.

    Sounds like you are getting like the bad old Americans that only wanted news about their own little patch!!

  3. I agree with you, I think there is a very small amount on the average American news about foreign events, compared to the proportion the British news gives to US politics etc. There is also a very serious flood in India at the moment but you wouldn't know it from the news.

  4. It is on CNN! I guess the fact that it is a significant threat to so many people makes it of international interest.  

  5. ya, like they care when we get flooded.

  6. "All" air time? Come on!

    Mayor Nagin charmingly suggested that the inhabitants of New Orleans "get their butts" outta town. That was newsworthy.

  7. There are oil refineries in the Gulf Coast, and numerous offshore oil rigs. That could have resounding effects for the world economy.  

  8. it's called schadenfreude.

  9. Man that would be annoying.  It is probably because of how bad things were the last time a hurricane hit this area.  I bet the US media would cover it if a hurricane hit the UK.  

  10. Sky News for one is about as American as it gets while still claiming to be British.

    It is afterall part of the Rupert Murdoch/Fox News family. Same goes for Five.

  11. because British news is all about that annoying city called london. If something happened in the North of this country, they'd say it was unimportant or dedicate just a 30 second slot to it, rather than a 30 minute slot that you get should something happen in london

    I'm glad we get American news, at least it is refreshing to know what's going on in other parts of the world.  

  12. haha lol good question, i think that our airtime and what we do with our spare time to watch TV in doesnt really matter, the TV stations probably get a certain amount of money to air that news.

  13. Perhaps because SOME of us want to know. I have 'people' in America! so, i'm sure do many others. We WANT to know and even if i didn't have people over there i would still want to know. Americans are our allies! We are suppose to 'stand together'. I think if anyone in the states knows how everyone is there at such a devastating time i for one would be VERY happy for them to post it on here, on every news channel and even on every radio channel.

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