
Why is it when u get on a full bus that every 1 standing at the front and u can'nt get passed?

by  |  earlier

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why is it when you get on a bus and all the seats are takeing and there allways people standing right at the front and you can'nt get passed to move to the back that drives me mad and they do'nt even move up the bus why?




  1. Because the thugs are at the back.

  2. well some people think the back of the bus would fall off

    (especially if are riding an articitulated bus  if the bus turns right!

    or they are afraid they might miss their stop if they are in the back of the bus

    I usually say excuse me but the last time I check the backdoor

    arrives at the same time as the front door! could you please

    move back?

  3. I always get irritated by people on the bus, people who put their bags next to them because they don't want people to sit near them, people who stand at the front and won't move down the bus, or worse, won't sit upstairs when there are free seats there. (The only excuses not to go upstairs are if it's a dodgy area and the pus is quiet, or if it's after 9pm- and the bus won't be full anyway).

    My answer is that they are bad people.

    Cheers I think I needed that rant.

  4. coz they're wankerz and cannot judge a situ proper.

  5. because they are scared and feel vulnerable seeing a bad tempered twatt like you get on

  6. Because they are too idle and stupid to figure it out and because for some reason when they are stood they have to be as close to the door as they can yet when the bus is empty everyone who gets on runs to try and be the first on the back seat.... unless they are elderly they then think it is their god given right to have the front seats even if they do say that they are for the elderly AND disabled passengers !!

  7. Apparently commuting makes most people into zombies.  They probably don't even notice you.  

    A visitor from India informed us that people actually talk to strangers in his country!!!

  8. For the same reason that they used to hang around near the platform on the old fashioned rear loading bus.  If they are taking a short journey it seems hardly worth it to plough up the bus and secondly they hope to be able to sit down before anyone else if a seat becomes vacant

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