
Why is it when we wake up, we don't know sometimes where we are?

by  |  earlier

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***don't get drunk or party***




  1. This happens frequently when we are somehow startled awake from a deeper sleep - perhaps during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep when we dream the most.

    It is a form of disorientation - the mind was fixed elsewhere as you slept - even though the dream may have gone unrecalled.  We are thus blind and deaf to our real surroundings often enough in those few waking moments before senses fully return - but the mind is active and seeking already.

    Paralysis also goes with this - it happens with the dream state but is typically unnoticed in the normal waking sequence.  The stillness of the dream state dissipates quickly so you may or may not notice it - but that can contribute to a feeling of slight disorientation in those few moments of early wakefulness.

    All the best to you.

  2. This might happen if you usually sleep in the same place at the same time. For example, when I take naps, I almost always wake up not knowing where I am or what day it is because I'm not sleeping during my normal time. The other day I woke up and had no idea what day of the week it was for a few seconds, but it feels like forever. It's the worst feeling ever.

  3. This isn't an interpretation as much as a request.  Would you teach me your dream secret because I'd really like to forget upon awakening that I have to head out to a job where everybody hates one another and where I am stuck with those bozos for eight hours.

  4. If this happens to you in your own bedroom then I think perhaps you partied too hard last night.

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