
Why is it when you answer a homework problem on Answers, the little brats never thank you?

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Why is it when you answer a homework problem on Answers, the little brats never thank you?




  1. Probably because it's usually asked in the wrong spot, and my usual answer is "Do your own goddamn homework".

  2. Because if they are not smart enough to do their homework, they are probably not smart enough to navigate back and follow up.

  3. hmm i have no idea, but then again I never bother answering those questions. How will they ever learn if we keep feeding them answers?

  4. They never thank you because they lack that skill just like they lack the basic skills they need to answer most of the questions they ask.

  5. i agree...those little twerps! i go through all the hassle of looking up their c**p on a search engine...and they could've used a search engine too...i mean that's just common sense! you can find out nearly anything on a search engine!! i'm also mad at that one girl on here who was constipated. she was in so much pain and needed relief. i told her what to do and did i get a thank you??? h**l no!!! i'm sure she's still not on the pooper...that was months ago!!

  6. ungrateful b******s.....

    hehee jk.

  7. Not only that, but they almost never come back to choose Best Answer, because they're too busy getting their next day's homework assignment on Yahoo...

  8. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't follow-up checking the answers to their questions... especially if their homework assignment has already passed by the time the answer is given.

  9. I will tell you a cute story here.  Many times I post in another section, I responded to someones joke and said "Thank you, that was cute", I got a violation notice for "adult content", well I guess kids don't say "thank you" enough if that is considered "adult content"

  10. Maybe they was not brought up saying thanks! It is sad though.

  11. selfishness, ignorance,,and outright fools.

  12. like parents like children.

    lazy children too

  13. Because they are selfish children who manipulate this service to cheat in their classes.

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