
Why is it when you are in a skidded stall, you will end up rolling towards the low wing?

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Lets say were in a crosscontrolled skidded stall . We are banking left and decide to try and increase rate of turn by adding left rudder. we do not want to increase the bank angle so we keep it constant, by adding right aileron to counteract the left banking bi product from rudder. we than notice the nose of the plane is dropping so we use aft elevator untill the airplane stalls. Why is it that the airplane will roll towards the left wing?




  1. It doesn't make sense... if you wanted to go bowling why empty the dishwasher?  You are in a left turn and want to increase the rate of turn... you do that by increasing back pressure on the elevator, not by altering the bank. If you add more bank, you are simply flying "knife edge" and not turning.

    If you fly on a smooth day, you can roll the airplane into 30 degrees of bank and trim up the elevator and let go of the plane and it will fly in that 30 degree bank round and round until you give it another command. Aileron is input to alter the bank attitude of the plane and not to increase RoT.

    The only time you are going to cross controls, is for a crosswind landing, or you just enjoy uncoordinated flight.

    In your above example if you are in a left turn and increase the rudder (which is added to compensate for the right wing which must travel a greater distance and will lag behind initially) you over compensate and the rudder being no longer verical will apply some tail up/nose down force. You say then that you add right aileron to compensate for your over compensation <?>,  this would roll you back out of the bank and you would be left skidding the plane with the rudder at which point by now your instructor would have said "I've got it"  and be heading you back to ground school.

    Actually your scenario is fairly close to the prescribed spin entry technique for a single engine trainer. You could speed things up a lot by chopping the power and holding the nose up until it starts to stall and then do all that and you will get a nice spin until you let go of it.

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