
Why is it when you fall asleep....?

by  |  earlier

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and your to the point where you are almost asleep and then you shake and wake up.

Has that ever happend to you?

its happend a couple of times to me but last night was brain hurt really bad and i shook and woke up..half way asleep half way not.

Why does that happen?




  1. I Wouldnt Say Ive Ever Shaked But I've Like Jumped Like I Drempt I Fell Or Summin ..Maybe Its Cus Your Muscles Are Relaxing.

  2. it happens to me when i am anxious, nervous or excited about the next day.

  3. love to sleep after a large fatigue

  4. Its because you are very relaxed and sometimes your body thinks you're dying/shutting down and your muscles have a spasm that alerts your body that you're still functioning and alive. haha.  

  5. This site has an interesting answer, and makes a lot of sense.  I do that almost everynight.  Makes me soooo mad!!!  

  6. yeah that happens to me sometimes im not sure why though

  7. Maybe you're under a lot of stress it happens don't worry unless it stays for a week or so, then you should go see the doctor.

  8. Yeah its happened to me too, i think its just because your body is half way to the state it go's into when you are asleep

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