
Why is it when you love someone it appears they can do no wrong?

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When in reality they are liars, cheaters,and inconsiderate people in general...




  1. its hard to face reality when your in love with someone,u won't see their faults until they do something that affects your relationship with them. its hard to see whats obvious when your so close to that person emotionally.many times people are in denial because being in denial is less painful then having to face the truth.

  2. It is so true, when u love someone u want to see what u want to and therefore we tend to ignore the fact untill that person cheats u so badly that it is more of a shock.

  3. Some people have been abused and suffer from Abuse Affected Behaviour.  They gravitate to and "Love" people who will give them a hard time, one way or another. Without intervention therapy, this cycle continues.

  4. Love is Blind.  

  5. Ever heard the saying.......

    "Love is blind."

  6.   Sounds like my ex-wife Lina. Your dating her now ?

  7. Because you love them.

    Trust me in time a person who behaves as you describe will end up on your WTF was I thinking list.

  8. Maybe because you see past their faults, and you see what you want to see in them.

  9. Because " Love is blind "

    and you remain blind until your wonder land shatters !!!  

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