
Why is it when you mention Palin experience people point to Alaska only has a population of 600,000?

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What does that got to do with anything. Alaska is the largest state in America and the Richest.




  1. Government isn't guarding empty square milage. It is serving the people. How do you have experience serving the people when your entire state is about a 1/3 as populous as most medium size American cities?

    By the people standard, which is the only one that matters, most US Mayors would be more likely candidates than Palin.

    I know you don't want to hear that, and you need to ask yourself WHY you don't want to hear that.

  2. Hay when your candidate was a "community organizer" you have to attack attack attack.  

  3. Actually its closer to 700k.  It goes to the QUALITY and BREADTH of her experience.  Palin has only been in office for 18 months.  Alaska isn't exactly California in terms of its administrative needs.  Governing Calif. is like running a small country...Alaska not so much.

    I also have issues with Palin political point of I wouldn't vote for them if she had 20 years in office.

  4. Alaska is low on infrastructure and has one of the SMALLEST economies in the US. Richest my ***. It has a GDP around 30-40 billion dollars.

  5. 600,000?  Shazaam.  That's 1/16 the size of the Chicago metro area.

  6. Well.. some cities have larger populations- NYC has a population of over 20 million... like 30x that of Alaska.

  7. Besides that, What's the population of Delaware, Biden's state?

    Not very large

  8. Because it defines you as a local-yokel, Not ready for prime time. Austin, Texas has as many people.

  9. largest and richest no one lives there. No one wants to live there. The majority of the people that live there are there for a job. Anyway the problem is McCain is about to die so how in the heck is she going to run the country where there are millions of people when she has only been playing around in alaska. They spend half the year in dark, has the lowest poverty level and crime rate. What is she going to do for the country?  It has alot to do with it. Alaska has no problems. What issues did she have to deal with??  

  10. I'll tell you what she doesn't have.  Let's start with a coke spoon.  She doesn't have friends like Rezko.  She doesn't have friendships or associations with known terrorists and declared enemies of the United States.

  11. Because a smaller, isolated state means less exposure to big issues.  Governing Alaska has little to do with understanding many of the problems that face the rest of the nation.  They are the richest in part because while we pay $4+ a gallon for oil, they benefit from that.   In that regard, what's bad for us, is good for Alaska.  No wonder Palin wants to open up pristine nature reserves for drilling that even "drill right here, drill everywhere!" McCain opposes.  

  12. Ha ha!  WHen i saw your question I was going to ask what population numbers have to do with anything.

    I think McCain is chomping at the bit to have a discussion about experience and Obama took the bait when he criticized her about her foreign affairs exp.

  13. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

    And if J Biden's so good why such a poor showing in the D Primaries?!? Rejected, damaged goods???

  14. Exactly

    If you're an aspiring leader from North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, etc. don't bother. Dismissing your accomplishments just because of the small population of Alaska is a slap in the face to all of the little states around the country and screams that the only people worth leading are those from states with more than 20 electoral votes. It's insulting.

  15. alaska Population 2008 | Population in alaska of 2008

    alaska Population 2008 | Population in alaska of 2008

  16. Democrats are just being their elitist selves.

  17. Alaska is (by population!) one of the smallest states and by the way it is not even close to the richest! Don't believe all you hear on Farce(fox)!

  18. Not the richest, however how large the population is of no concern to me. I am a bit concerned that she has been gov for less then 2 years.

    She has shown some gumption in standing up to big oil, but one must remember, it was to her perceived corruption in it, not big oil itself. Some there at the time say it was because what she wanted wasn't what they were going after, and she resented it. The fact that she is under investigation by her state legislation for what amounts to a personal vendetta against her ex-brother in law would indicate that they could be correct.

    The timing and her inexperience, especially in light of the fact that McCain has used inexperience so often as a talking point on Obama, also makes me question why he would risk this one as VP.

    And the fact that they both want drilling in a landscape most Americans don't want to see it, makes me wonder even more. She is from the state in question and her husband works for BP.

    edit: hatedheretic: A governor does not 'handle' the money, the state legislation does.

    I have looked up the b-i-l incident, btw... serious stuff. More serious I suspect then those of you who like her within the state have yet heard about, or wish to know.

  19. As an actual resident of the fine state, i'll say this..


    she's handled the oil companies, always putting our state at first interest..doing what was/is best for us...what will be so different with the "foreign policy"....give me a break...

    she handles billions of dollars of the STATES money..our money..and makes sure the people have what we much does Obama have experience with....??

    as a senator you vote...that's it...she runs our state, that has more use for the US then any other..

    ahh yes...the ex brother in law....i advise you do some real research in to that, rather then relying on your national media..

  20. Largest land mass, but but smallest Population. No real Governing there. Where is the Cities? What complex situations do you face as Governor of Alaska, and what was the Outcome of her 1st term, OH she has not completed 1.

  21. Pure hatred. They thought they had it locked up because they were showing the were racially tolerant. Then them d**n Republican put a woman on the ticket and Obama loses some of the white woman vote! Now the hatred will run for months if not years. 4 to be exact!

  22. Apparently they think that being governor doesn't stand up against Obama's experience at rabble rousing with his anti-American buddies in Chicago's ghettos. While this may be the case in the Democrat party, I think most Republicans are happy to go with the governor, regardless of the size of the state.

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