
Why is it wrong for republicans to spread FEAR from terrorism?

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But "progressive" for democrats to spread fear from the economy?




  1. You can't really DIE from being poor. I guess that's one difference. Or I guess you can die from being poor, but its not like bam and bomb blows up if you don't vote for GOP. I don't know.

  2. Fear for improvement/reform to the crappy financial system vs Fear for an almost non-existant issue

  3. it scares the people.

  4. Spreading fear is terrorism.

    There is no need for anyone to spread fear about the US economy, all they need to do is tell the truth - which is against GOP religion.

  5. Fear is an emotion. It does not belong in politics. Liberals and democrats should not spread fear either.

    It should be about what's real and the truth. People should demand it. How else can you form correct opinions and beliefs?  People have become really weak.

  6. tough call. thank God there hasn't been another attack, but with all the money going to insure our safety we are getting worried about our economy, both issues need to be addressed and fixed.  terrorist need to be stopped at all cost, i am more afraid of what would happen today if our economy goes to S**t and truly end up in a worse depression ever, there would be crazy chaos amongst the people in America, looting and killing each other, i sure hope Americans stick together so we can get through it,  but i also see more people out for self and caring only of themselves.

  7. Actually that is the terrorists' job.  Reminding people who have a tendency towards complacency about the danger of a war being waged to bring down western civilization isn't wrong at all.  It is the smart thing to do.  However, I fail to see what is progressive about spreading fears on an economy that by historical standards is good; especially since the US survived the Jimmie Carter years which were a REAL problem.  We've had recessions before and we're not even in one but somehow it is supposed to be the end of the world?  Pointing out weaknesses that can be improved with a peer reviewed plan to fix the problem would fit progressive but no actual problems have been fingered and no fixes other then sound bites proposed.  

    So the answer is - only for the liberals is what you asked true.  For everyone else, it is the opposite.

  8. Fear of ANY kind- can be paralyzing. THAT's why the Country's in the Mess that it's in- Today. Things will get better after the Election...-When the People Decide WHO they "Fear"- the LEAST...  :)

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