
Why is it wrong to migrate illegaly?

by  |  earlier

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I did and everyone is against me. I dont understand. I work, am richer more than my neighbour. I love america.




  1. because you were born some were different and you have never learned the laws and it isnt fair to make America Mexico

  2. If you truly loved America, you would respect her laws.

  3. Of course you are richer, you don't pay taxes and you leach off of our medical system and taxpayers.  I wish I had free medical and didn't have to pay taxes but still got all the benefits.

  4. It's wrong beacuse then Americans can't have a record on you and they don't know if you are a killer, drug dealer, or just a normal person trying to make a new life

  5. Because your not properly tracked by the government, the government doesnt know your hear, they have a limit on how many can come over to cut down on over population and soo there isnt unemployment becauseyou take care of your own people first

  6. I have a hard time believing this question is real.  Theres reasons for finding things legal and illegal.

  7. How would you have liked it when you were in Mexico and 12 million Americans just decided to move in and claim to be citizens and use up all your resources? Yeah, you are richer than your neighbor.  Where is your tax money that you owe to the government?- a government that is taking better care of you than the citizens who pay taxes for people like you.  Then you have the freaking nerve to write something like this.  This is a joke, right?

  8. Illegal Immigration?

    Migration is within the same country.

    Personally I'm not against Illegal immigration.

    But try your best to become a citizen if your not.

  9. God bless you and the contributions you have made to this country!


  10. If there is no wrong, then why many other people bother to migrate legally.  it is a long waiting and expensive sacrifices financially.

  11. b/c u stole an AMERICAN'S job and now he/she cant support his family b/c of u

    also u dont pay taxes so the free health care that u get is paid by HONEST CITIZENS also public education the roads u use and if u fall on rough times Welfare, etc.

    u might love America but America doesnt love u do us all a favor and go back 2 where u come from illegal!

  12. I hope you pay taxes too! I hope you get the medical attention when you need it ( can you pay for it or do you have health insurance?). I hope you have your children in school like all the others children in the U.S, and make sure they have all the vaccines they needed.

    If you have done all above, you are more than welcome to stay.

  13. Okay maybe we dont like you because by coming in illegally you have already proven yourself a liar .Did you get all your vaccinations and checked for TB,Aids ,ect? Illegal aliens bring in tons of disease they spread fast and often are not treated. Also the free clinic is always full of illegals getting free treatment that poor Americans need and they go to the food bank and get surplus food while many of the people who are poor and desperately need that food get smaller and smaller food packs.I went recently and got some rice beans and a box of snack cakes.

  14. So it's okay for you to break the laws of this country and then wonder why people don't like you. I have illegals coming into my store every day acting like they own the place, traveling with their "anchor babies," not even bothering to learn the language of their "adopted" country, but you still believe we should bend over for you and love you because you're a hard worker. How does your homeland of Mexico treat it's illegal aliens? Maybe we should treat you the same way. Shmuck.

  15. It's wrong because it's illegal.  Why not immigrate legally?  I'm glad you're working, and I'm sorry you feel like everyone's against you, but it's hard to defend your position since you couldn't or didn't follow the legal means to move here.  

    I personally think it should be easier for people of other countries to get visas to work or immigrate here, but it's hard to make that argument when there are so many people crossing the border illegally.  

    I hope you find some way to contribute to the community where you live if you are not paying income tax or property tax, and that you are able to use your wealth to keep your family off of government assistance, and to help others around you in need.

  16. Quite simply, it isn't wrong...

    It's just that America is filled with English-speaking people, and want nothing to do with people that can't or cannot well enough. On top of that, we need to reserve the occupations for Americans -- we offered to help you and your country; but you're too stubborn -- as I was saying, the occupations are for Americans only. You better hide, though, because the police are looking, day-in and day-out. Remember, go back to your own country and/or leave us be please!

    I'm not racial or anything -- it's just that our world is sooo annoying -- why did we make ourselves out to be like this? -- Is the true question

  17. Why can't you do it the legal way???

  18. Because some people think that new immigrants "take away" jobs from people who are legal citizens.  They say the same thing every few decades, about whatever group is currently arriving.  Not everyone feels that way though, and I'm happy to have anyone here who wants to work hard and make a better life.

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