
Why is it wrong to use the American flag as a rug when one enters my home?

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I'm a veteran from 1969 to 1975.




  1. The thought of someone WALKING on

    the American Flag just seems oh-so wrong to me.

    But I have an American Flag Tattoo on my back, and some people view that as wrong, but I take great pride in my memorial tattoo for my father.

  2. This computer your using, or at least the parts that are in it are probably from communist china. Why don't you use your computer as a rug. ...........WHAT THE H*** is wrong with you. welcome to America. A lot of things come from china, but that doesn't mean you should mistreat it.

    an american flag is an american flag.

        if its made of paper, plastic, fancy nylon, dirt, it does not matter, because it is the american flag....

    please.......don't blame china for your mistake. Its not the people of china's fault. they just make the flags so they can go home and feed there family.

    God Bless America.... Though God knows we are already blessed.


  3. First off, Welcome Home. Here are the Proper Flag Procedures.

  4. if its a rug its not would be wrong if it were an actual flag...flag etiquette is not always follwed the way it should be..personally i would not have a flag rug but i do wear a flag bandana and have had a flag shirt or too..which some people wouldnt thinking it may be ..because you wipe your feet on a rug...and in reality you are wiping your feet on our flag...and being a veteran i would think it might bug you a little more than just a civilian american

  5. As a veteran you should know the answer to this already.

    Chesty Took the words out of my mouth

    Chesty Puller Semper Fi

  6. if it is a rug with the flag on it, that is slightly different than the actual flag. still disresepctful, but not as bad.

    However, if it is a flag it is wrong

    because touching an american flag to the ground is wrong, and being that a carpet lies on the ground, you are doing something wrong. the flag is supposed to be respected not treated as a carpet. if you say no one enters your home then why use it as a carpet anyway? the flag should never be placed on the ground.

  7. If you think so little of the flag that you wish to insult it by letting people walk on it,  then you would not mind if someone else came in and crapped on it.   After all,  they are just doing you one better in your protest.  

  8. Where it was made and where you bought it is neither here nor there. It is the symbol of patriotism for our country.  If it is an actual flag and not a rug resembling the flag I think it's poor in taste. Perhaps if it were placed elsewhere in your home other than the entranceway it would be less unacceptable (can't say more acceptable) but right in the entrance it will get first crack at all the filth people bring in on their shoes and I just personally find that disrespectful of our country. Have you considered making it a wall hanging instead?

  9. Good question. I don't see anything wrong with that. You earned that privledge to step on the flag. No biggie.

  10. If you really were a veteran, you would know the answer already.

    It has to do with respect... but I doubt that's something you can comprehend.

  11. Well, if it is actually a rug, then there's probably nothing wrong with's just another decoration.

    It's not one that you fly and it doesn't need to be incinerated when it gets old, it's a rug.

  12. Regardless of where it's made it is a symbol of the very thing we fight for. Would you lay a pic of your mother (or someone you love dearly) on the ground and let people walk on it even if the pic was taken in China or at the Walmart photoshop???

    You apparently were drafted and are not a patriot.  

  13. ....from the lives of many, we have one - The United States of America

    ....'De Oppresso Libre' !

    ...wipe your feet son!

  14. You have rugs?

    I thought that your 'cave' was condemned by the Liberal Trolls Fair housing Act of 2000.

    Per the US Flag CODE (Title 4)

    The flag should never be displayed with the union (the starred blue canton) down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

    The flag should not be used as "wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery",or for covering a speaker's desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general (exception for coffins). Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.

    The flag should never be drawn back or bunched up in any way.

    The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.

    The flag should never be stepped on.

    There is more but you have such a limited ability to show respect for anything relating to America.

    edit:  TDs... awwww. shucks, I love you too!

  15. It's not. You can do whatever you like. Your visitors may voice some concerns.............But I'm guessin not that many at your house anyway.......

  16. yes its not supposed to touch the ground. I would think you would know that being a veteran.

  17. As a Vet, a Viet Nam vet at that, I would think you would not need to ask this question. Look up the US Flag Code. Though most of it is not law it is how we should respect the flag. Using it as a rug does not fit.

    Think of our first flag and the jack used on US ships now. What does it say? In case you don't know it says "Don't Tread On Me".

    I would get a Chinese flag to walk over. Or a Wal-Mart happy face.

  18. As a "Veteran" I am ashamed you even asked that question.

    But then again if your name is Jeremiah Wright I guess you don't respect the flag you defended.

  19. Because it implies that it is a very low, dirty object that you see fit to wipe your feet on, and disrespect. It's not illegal, however.  

  20. Yea, its rude...but then was made in Communist China...but its still the thing that repersent our nation...

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