
Why is it you cant go in a 7/11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a Indian accent? ?

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Sorry if that sounds a bit racist-Im just going by what Joe Biden says.




  1. How much of America is still American? Because the U.S. Dollar has lost so much of its value, this country is for sale at bargain prices. Remember when Budweiser was an American beer?

  2. Oh boy Joe Biden said that well then its awful , have to check that also

  3. Because most whites are lazy and don't want to work the long hours you have to in those joints. They'd rather be on welfare.

  4. Many 7/11 stores are owned and operated by families and they man the stores. I see a lot of people from India operating gas stations in my home town and they are great people, very hard working.Also many middle eastern folks, living the american dream. I would not deprive them ,because they are industrious people.  

  5. I don't know why can't go into Wal Mart unless I'm too fat to walk and too white to be out in sun.  

  6. because they are buying all those places..and the Arabs are buying all the small self serve gas stations

  7. Because the new workers and owners of chain stores and franchises globally speaking, are either Indian or Chinese. Here in Malaysia they are almost all Chinese.

    If Joe Biden said that then it should give you an idea of what is in the feeble mind of an impotent elderly senator who is out of touch with the real world and thinks Obama is going somewhere. Ha Ha.

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