
Why is italy so romantic??

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Why is dining out in rome italy so like.. romantic..??

I mean, what makes it soo passionate, and romantic??




  1. Believe me ... It's NOT !!!!!

    France is so much more 'romantic' . . .

    A bientôt, j'espère ;^)

    Ciao :^)

  2. It's not any different from eating out of a cafe on a street corner of small town America. It seems that way because the media has sensationalized it and romanticized it. You fell for it, as many people have. It's no different. There's nothing magic in that water. It's an example of learned preference matching. If everyone on TV displays a romantic weakness for gondolas and accordian music, the public starts to feel the same. It's kind of scary. There's nothing magic about old canoes in an urban cesspool.

    It's all in your head. If you only knew how our country is romanticized in other, poorer countries, it would be different for you to live in this great country.

    I have a good friend in Argentina, here in the United States for a business trip, staying in a rocky mountain chalet in Colorado. She having the time of her time, I'm  glad, but to me, it's still just Colorado.

  3. Italy is so romantic because of the delicious wine.

    Italy is so romantic because of the homemade foods.

    Italy is so romantic because of all the well dressed, good looking people.

    Italy is so romantic because of The well behaved children.

    Italy is so romantic because of The Sea.

    Italy is so romantic because of The mostly rugged and mountainous terrain.

    Italy is so romantic because of The Mediterranean climate.

    Italy is so romantic because of The language.

    Italy is so romantic because of The low unemployement rate.

    Italy is so romantic because the median age is low 40s.

    ... Oh and that there are more males around in the 15-64 year age range than females!!!!!

  4. that is a opinion

  5. it's not. it's really dirty in big city areas and the people there are rude, especially if you're not white (i.e. me!)

  6. Cause it realy is...

  7. Excellent advertising and publicity.

  8. I'm so glad you said Rome and not Paris!

    According to my very lovely girlfriend who is from Italy and who lives in Rome, it is to do with the climate.

    Italians have never had to work very hard to get what they need because with the weather being so mild everything is readily available, hence there is more time for the important things in life; love, affection and FOOD.

    I believe it is the warmth of the evenings that contributes. You can sit outside without fear of the wind blowing your table cloth up and throwing the wine over your best suit. It's warm enough to relax and gaze into each others eyes. The passion comes from the language. Italian is such an expressive language, everything is implied and suggested - it's like speaking from your very core rather than cold and from the top of your head like in english.

    These are my thoughts. Ultimately it's a mystery, and it's the mystery that keeps us coming back for more.

  9. Well they are as passionate and romantic as any Country that speaks romance languages... makes us like that... =)

  10. The Europeans have looser standards on public displays of affection.

  11. Well, to be blunt, the word 'romantic' is actually just a word that originally meant, 'from or about Rome.' This means that, by default, just about anything Italian is considered 'romantic.'

    Of course, the modern word has different conotations now and is usually intended to mean: 'displaying, expressive of, or conducive to love.' I'm sure these two meanings and the original intention of the word have simply been confused over time.

    Paris, for instance, could be considered just as romantic as anything in Rome. Having said that, Italy is a very romantic place. It helps to avoid the tourist traps and do something a little different. The agriturismi, aside from being great places to learn about Italian foods, tend to be some of the most romantic vacation spots in Italy. They are usually located high up on a hill with breathtaking views of a town. If located in a city like Rome, they would be found away from the principal areas. Consequently, they are usually situated in peaceful, serene and picturesque settings. What could be more romantic than staying on a vineyard, and being able to take a peaceful walk picking a fresh piece of fruit to munch on while your walking?

    Italy is beyond doubt one of the best places for a romantic getaway or honeymoon -- not only because of the variety of breathtaking beauty and romantic views surrounding you, but also the Italian lifestyle.

    Italians love romance, their songs are all based on romance and about love. People love to see couples walking hand in hand or arm in arm. Even just the simple ritual of eating a meal has a romantic feel to it. When you sit down to eat dinner at a restaurant or even at a bed and breakfast it is meant to be a long, drawn out ritual. In other words, an activity that is shared and enjoyed between two people, and not something over with in 10 minutes.

    Take for example picnics in Italy. If you opt to have spontaneous romantic picnics, you have access to some of the most romantic locations in the world. Moreover, at your disposal are a variety of fresh bread and pizza at the local forno (pronounced for-noh), as well as cheeses found in local cheese shops or supermarkets.

    Even some of the major cities such as Rome, Milan or Florence, all have their quiet venues, where you can savor your food and enjoy the romantic ambiance.

    The center of Rome has the Villa Borghese, and of course, if you don't mind the noise and crowds, there are the Spanish Steps.

    Not to omit the Coliseum and the Roman Forum that are popular areas for impromptu picnics.

    If you are in a small town, it is certainly not difficult to find a beautiful view in a quiet place. One word of advice, please always remember to respect the property you are on and clean up after your picnic.

    Ciao bella!



  12. beacuse the men there are sooo intense and sensual!!!!

  13. It isn't.

    Last time I was dining out in Italy (in Milan) I nearly got the living daylights beat out of me, since Italy were playing Scotland and some mad italian blokes thought I was scottish and started throwing bottles at me, then decked my mate.

    Very romantic, if you are into near death experiences.

  14. isn't it one of the country's of love or something..i mean evrything there is soo peaceful and colorful it makes u happy

  15. because has a bote like a cars

  16. It has been aged like a fine wine!

  17. because it looks like a p***s.

  18. because the man there has woman heart.

    They are caring and really friendly.

    so, Italy is romantic coz the people are romantic.

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