
Why is =kisses= on my friends list?

by Guest64059  |  earlier

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what i mean is how do i find out why shes on the fans list everyone else i know why i never awnsered this persons questions or anything




  1. she thinks you're avatar is hot. Maybe she has a thing for cartoons.   she's in love ...

  2. how weird.. i think you should delete that s l u t

    (can you please answer my new question??? -thanx)

  3. People can add you as a contact for whatever reason they like. Click on her avatar and see if there is a way to contact her via her Y/A profile to ask her. If not, then you just won't know unless she sees this question and chooses to answer it. If it bothers you, you can click on the "My Profile" link on most Y/A pages, click "Edit My Info" on your profile and choose to not accept any more fans.

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