
Why is kung fu less popular than other martial arts?

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Why is kung fu less popular than other martial arts?




  1. Martial arts looks cooler

  2. The guy above me obviously doesn't know jack ****.

    XMA is not Kung Fu

    Wing Chun is not unrealistic, go watch some videos and you'll regret what you said.

    As for your question, yes it's considered more flash but most people don't see the truth but at the same time many traditional martial artists have nothing to prove.

    For a true martial artist, a fight shouldn't last for more than about 20-30 seconds, and he shouldn't fight in the first place. Common sense and discipline.

  3. because it takes decades of practicing the kungs and people don't want to put forth that much effort. (lazy Americans...)

  4. Kung Fu is probably one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Due to the many Kung Fu  movies out made in the 80's up until now, it's more known then most martial arts. And to one of the answers above, XMA is not a type of Kung Fu, it's a mixture of the most acrobatic moves from many martial arts.

  5. I think a lot of people would say its more flash and and less power. More like a dance than a fighting style. Some styles of kung fu also give it a bad name, wing chun and XMA off the top of my head.  Besides MMA is so popular now so most people who don't really know anything about martial arts just nuthug on the mma styles.

  6. Even before the emergence of MMA, kung fu has always been less popular than other martial arts because there was no place where you could use it in competition.  Tae Kwon Do and Judo are Olympic sports, and Karate has huge tournaments and even ISKA events that are similar to kickboxing.  Kung Fu really didn't have any large venues for you to compete in this manner.  Plus Kung Fu is very different depending on the style of Kung Fu you practice, whereas in the 60's 70's and 80's Karate was Karate for the most part.  Nowadays everyone has created their own style of Karate so there are a million styles of that as well but that wasn't always the case.

  7. Actually Kung fu is a philosophy it means "hard work" kung fu though has many schools that kids go to to grow up learning kung everyone might know is Jet Li... most americans don't have the time or mentality to study kung fu (since legally we have to go to school) but thats my take on it..can go deeper into it but that is basic answer.

  8. WOW i just read some of the most ignorant comments imaginable.

    the first thing people talk about martial arts is MMA.

    h**l NO kung fu would never be seen in an MMA ring. because the philosophy behind real kung fu would not lead a kung fu-student to the path of ring fighting.

    how is kung fu less popular? i see unlimited kung fu movies coming out all the time!!! we even have had a tv show in america called kung fu.  americans love kung fu so what are you talking about???

    you are asking mostly americans this question and will get mostly american- poorly educated answers.

    it is not relevant the popularity of Kung fu!!! although i will give my conclusions on why below.

    my say would be that most kung fu sifus and masters do NOT commercialize to make big business as most Tae Kwon Do schools or Karate schools do. This is one reason it is less practiced in america.

    it is also difficult to find legitimate kung fu schools in the USA

    let alone the fact that there are few schools here in the USA as many chinese believe it should not be taught to foreigners.

  9. because people don't use it that much in mma

  10. The way I see it, it's mostly because of the hard work required to learn kung fu, but it should make sense - if you really want to learn something so much,  you should be prepared to give up something for it, especially in terms of time and energy. That way, whatever it is you're learning will become truly fruitful and you'll feel that it's worth it.

    Plus, kung fu has its philosophy, and some of the practitioners can be really strict about it - so they usually choose students who are really willing to learn. Moreover, the practitioners who are really learned in kung fu and can pass down true kung fu teachings are quite rare...I think you will know if someone is really dedicated to pass down his or her knowledge to you when you meet one.

  11. because people think that all the kung fu moves are false and dont really work in real fights they think it is a pusst MA and is brutal enough like muay thai for example but just take a look at famous kung fu fighters like jet li jackie chan and best of all BRUCE LEE you go in a ring with him and i bet you 3 seconds into the fight you will of shat yourself and be on your knees cruying for forgivness.

  12. Well, I know who jet li and david carradine are. Unpopular, no. Few schools, yes. As we "uneducated" americans go to school in public schools to learn skills to pay the bills, Kung Fuers go to school to Kung Fu. If my kids went to an actual Kung Fu school instead of a real one, I would be charged with educational neglect or contributing to the delinquincy of a minor. This is why americans don't have KUNG-FU schools is becuse we can't attend them. Americans  believe showing might keeps people from stealing your stuff or picking on your family. Kung Fu is about not displaying power. We have fighting shows, Kung Fu can't. Nobody tries to wake a sleeping tiger, but who's affraid of a sloth? Image and reputation can avoid conflict as well. U.S.A.!

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